Tuesday, June 19, 2018

How to treat infertility with the help of IVF

Infertility is a medical condition of not being able to conceive a baby after trying for more than year. When the duration of unprotected intercourse exceeds one year, it is termed as infertility. This condition affects 1 in every 6 couples globally. Both males, as well as females, can be the reason. Around 35 percent of the cases are due to male infertility and equal numbers are caused due to female infertility. In around 20 percent of the cases, both males and females are suffering from this condition. But there is no need of worrying. The medical field has advanced a lot and there are now techniques which help in getting rid of the problem. IVF is one of those techniques. BLK hospital gives you the best IVF treatment in India.

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is an assistive reproductive technology (ART) which happens outside the body. The word In Vitro means in glass. A special glass instrument is used to facilitate the process. The egg is combined with the sperm outside the body. Egg is taken from the female partner and sperm is collected from the male. It is one of the most common and sought after techniques in infertility treatment.

There are different reasons for undergoing this procedure. Some of them are as follows –
  • Any damage to fallopian tubes increases the risk. The main function is to transport the egg from the ovary to the uterus. If it gets blocked, the sperm will not be able to reach the egg         which will cause problem in pregnancy.
  •   Male fertility which is related to sperm motility and decreased sperm is also dealt with by IVF.
  •  Unexplained infertility in which there is no known reason. 
  • Other causes include ovulation disorders, uterine fibroids, genetic disorder etc.

IVF treatment in India starts with egg production. It is done with the help of fertility medications to produce multiple eggs as some will not develop after retrieval. A hollow needle is then used to guide through the pelvic cavity to retrieve the egg. A sample of sperm is prepared for combining with egg. Then insemination begins. The sperm and eggs are mixed together and stored in a laboratory dish to encourage fertilization. In the final step, embryos are transferred into the woman’s uterus three to five days following egg retrieval and fertilization. The success rate depends on various factors like maternal age, reproductive history, lifestyle factors etc. 


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