Thursday, September 20, 2018

Why do you need another surgery after SMILE?

LASIK (Laser assisted in situ keratomileusis) surgery is a  medical procedure which is done in order to treat refractive defects of vision such as far sightedness, nearsightedness and astigmatism. Refractive defects can be either congenital or operator in life. Although these problems are not life threatening but they can have a great impact on your life, hence it is advisable to get the problem treated in time in order to live a normal life. If you are planning to undergo lasik surgery in India, Aakash hospital is the best option. The success rate of various eye related surgeries performed in Aakash Hospital is very high making it the most trusted name when it comes to ophthalmological problems. Aakash Hospital is listed among the top notch LASIK Eye surgery hospitals in India  LASIK eye surgery cost in India is much lower than that in any other country and hence it has also helped to boost medical tourism in India as patients from various other countries visit India for treatment. Aakash Hospital brings to your service the best ophthalmologist in India. However the procedure has certain disadvantages as well, one of which is that the surgery leads to dryness in eyes which leads to irritation and discomfort. In such cases another surgery might be required in order to makeup for the problems caused by the first surgery i.e. LASIK surgery.

Eyes are the most delicate and vital organ of the body and need to be taken care of so as to ensure proper vision. Eyes often get affected by defects of the vision like near sightedness and far sightedness and to treat these defects of the vision surgical procedures like LASIK (laser assisted in situ keratomileusis) surgery and SMILE (Small Incision Lenticule Extraction) procedures are used.

The popularity of laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis in India is mainly because of its success rate as well as the low cost of this surgical procedure. All these surgical procedures aim at correcting various defects of vision by reshaping the cornea so that the light can be focused properly on the retina.

Laser assisted in situ keratomileusis is a minimally invasive procedure and hence is less painful as compared to normal surgeries.

Before proceeding with the surgery, the doctors use certain eye drops to induce numbness in the eye. This is done to make sure that the patient feels no pain while the procedure is being carried out. The procedure does not require any stitches or bandages and the patient recovers pretty fast, almost within one to two days.

During the procedure a femtosecond laser is used to create a thin flap in the cornea. This thin layer of cornea is then peeled back and the cornea is reshaped so that it can properly focus light on the retina to create a clear vision. The flap is then put back in its place and the surgery is completed. The procedure gets completed in hardly ten minutes to twenty minutes.

Although the procedure is very effective, it may, however, dry the eyes and the patient may experience some discomfort during the first twenty four to forty eight hours after the surgery.

Other side effects of this procedure may include glare, seeing halos around the images, difficulty while driving especially during the night time. Fluctuating vision is another disadvantage of the surgical procedure.

To overcome the problems caused by this surgical procedure another surgical procedure called SMILE (Small Incision Lenticule Extraction) surgery is used. Smile surgery helps in overcoming the dry eye syndrome. In SMILE SURGERY, unlike the lasik SURGERY, flap is not created; instead the laser does all the reshaping inside the cornea. The tissue is then removed through a small 2 mm laser incision. SMILE surgery requires minimal invasion and has many advantages over lasik surgery. One of the major advantages of smile surgical procedure over the lasik surgery is that it does not cause much dryness. Also, it minimises the risks of various flap related complications. It is a safer and accurate type of treatment and the recovery is pretty fast. The biggest disadvantage of this method is that this method is not used to treat farsightedness and astigmatism. This is currently used to treat only near sightedness.

As compared to LASIK surgery, this surgical procedure takes more time to recover. At times the desired result may not be achieved by SMILE surgery and hence another surgery may be needed to correct the defect. Another surgical procedure called PRK may be used to cure the defect of the eyes. In this method the flap is removed using a manual tool. PRK is a good option for those who are very much prone to dryness of the eyes and also for those who have irregular corneas. However in rare cases it may cause much more discomfort as compared to LASIK and SMILE surgery.

Hence it is very important to consult a Doctor to determine which kind of surgery will suit you the best and proceed accordingly.


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