• Best Diet Tips to Stay on Track

    Drink plenty of water or other calorie , Try drinking flavored sparkling water or brewing a cup of fruit-infused herbal tea.

  • Get active and be a healthy weight

    Eating a healthy, balanced diet plays an essential role in maintaining a healthy weight, which is an important part of overall good health.

  • Don't skip breakfast

    Some people skip breakfast because they think it will help them lose weight. In fact, research shows that people who regularly eat breakfast are less likely to be overweight.

Sunday, February 3, 2019

What is Ophthalmic plastic surgery?

refractive laser surgery hospital in Delhi
Ophthalmic plastic surgery commonly known as oculoplastic surgery is the cosmetic procedure used to reconstruct and treat any kind of deformity or abnormality in the eye or the various structures associated with it. These include the eyelids, tear ducts, face, eye sockets etc. Plastic surgery usually aims at correcting the physical appearance of the affected area but ophthalmic plastic surgery is quite different at it helps to improve vision and ocular health as well. Oculoplastic surgery doctors in Delhi are highly trained and experts in their field. They offer treatments based on the use of the latest technology and give utmost priority to the health and safety of the patient. This is the reason why a lot of patients prefer undergoing Ophthalmic plastic surgery in Delhi. 

The leading refractive laser surgery hospital in Delhi is a hub for some of the top-notch ophthalmic plastic surgeons in India including Dr. Subhash M.Betharia, one of the most trusted names when it comes to oculoplastic surgery in India. He specialises in treating a wide range of ophthalmic problems and has successfully helped to treat numerous patients with satisfactory results.

Out of the various treatment options available at the leading oculoplastic surgery hospital in Delhi Blepharoplasty and brow lifting are highly popular. 

Blepharoplasty - it is the surgical procedure that aims at refining the eyelids to correct the patient's vision as well as enhance his physical appearance. The procedure proves to be very effective for treating drooping eyelids, baggy eyes, sagging skin and also to get rid of excessive fat deposition in the eyelids. It can also be used to correct any kind of obstruction due to a defect in the eyelids. Blepharoplasty can also help to eliminate various signs of ageing like droopy eyelids. 

Brow Lifting - The procedure is mostly used to improve your aesthetics but has other benefits as well. It can help to correct any kind of obstruction in the peripheral vision. The whole procedure is properly planned according to the needs of the patient. 

Oculoplastic surgeons aim at treating a number of problems which include the following

Ptosis - commonly known as drooping eyelids, these can drastically affect your vision as well as your appearance making you look older. Ptosis naturally occurs with ageing but in some cases, it may also be a result of some other medical condition like cancer, gravies and Horner syndrome. The problem can affect both adults as well as children and can be easily treated with the help of blepharoplasty. 

Entropion - the eyelids of a person suffering from Entropion turn inwards and run against the eye leading to a lot of discomforts. The problem is also known as Ectropion. Since the eyelids protect the eye from the various impurities present in the environment, the eyes of the patient suffering from this problem are exposed to all these impurities increasing the chances of infections. This problem can be treated by surgical tightening the eyelid to prevent it from turning inwards. 

Tearing/DCR - this is caused by a blockage in the tear duct which can lead to various complications including infections, discomfort, inflammation and mucus discharge. The problem can be treated by surgically creating a drainage channel between the nasal cavity and lacrimal sac. This technique is known as Dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR). 

Stye - also known as a Chalazion, it is a small pimple like structure that develops on the patient's eyelid and is usually caused by the accumulation of bacteria in an oil gland. It can be very painful and affect your vision. Sometimes the person is not even able to open his eye. It can lead to inflammation and redness. Usually, the problem can be treated with the help of simple eye drops and medicine but in chronic cases, there might be a need for surgical intervention.

Apart from these problems, oculoplastic surgery can also help to treat eyelid skin cancer, thyroid eye disease, orbital fractures, Bell’s Palsy etc.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

What are the risks of Joint Replacement surgery?

Joint replacement surgery is the medical technique of helping patients suffering from chronic. As the name suggests the procedure involves the replacement of a damaged joint or a part of it with an artificially created graft that resembles the original joint. Our joints can get affected by a number of reasons that include injuries sustained in an accident, normal wear and tear and medical conditions like arthritis and osteoporosis. Joint problems can be very painful and can limit your daily activities to a great extent. In some cases, the problem can be easily treated by topical medicine and ointments as well as physiotherapy. In chronic cases however the patient needs to undergo joint replacement surgery. Dr. Aashish Chaudhry is one of the most reputed and trusted names when it comes to joint replacement surgery in Delhi.

Although joint replacement surgery has successfully helped to treat many patients, just like any other medical procedure it too has certain risks associated with it. On consulting the leading knee replacement surgeon in Delhi we came to know that before proceeding with the surgery the doctors have to make sure that the patient is eligible for it or else it can even pose a serious threat to the life of the patient. This same was backed up by the leading ankle, shoulder, elbow and hip replacement surgeons in Delhi.

The various risks associated with a joint replacement surgery include the following:

  • Joint replacement surgeries are performed under the influence of anaesthesia and a lot of patients are allergic to anaesthesia. This increases the risks of stroke, blood clot and pneumonia.
  • Another major risk associated with joint replacement surgery is clot formation. The blood clots usually develop in the veins and have a tendency to break free from the wall of the vein and travel along the blood channels. These clots can block the various blood channels leading to very serious complications including pulmonary embolism. This condition is also known as deep vein thrombosis (DVT).
  • Sometimes the graft can become loose and dislocated from its original position leading to chronic pain and discomfort. The patient may need to undergo a division surgery in order to treat the problem.
  • If the graft differs from the original joint in its size, it can lead to a difference in the lengths of the legs. The problem can be easily treated with the help of a shoe insert.
  • After the surgery, the patient may feel chronic stiffness in the affected knee. While in most of the patient's the normal functioning of the knee is restored, there are still many who cannot bend the affected knee properly. Although physiotherapy can prove to be very helpful in such cases by increasing the mobility of the knees, it might take up to some time and in some cases, the flexibility of the affected joint will be reduced permanently.
  • The material used for making the prosthetic joint can trigger allergic reactions in certain patients. This is usually marked by itching and inflammation accompanied by chronic pain. In such cases, the prosthetic joint has to be removed immediately.
  • Sometimes if the doctor is not careful, the surrounding tissues and joints can get damaged during the surgery leading to more complications
Some patients opting for sports injury treatment in Delhi complained there their performance in the field was highly affected after the surgery. This is quite natural as joint injuries can be traumatic and it may take up to months to heal properly. It is highly recommended to visit a specialist and get yourself treated from the best hospital to avoid any such complication.

If you are suffering from a joint problem of any kind, immediately consult an orthopaedic specialist. The doctor might suggest certain tests and screenings which include X-Ray and arthroscopy to determine the root cause of the problem and suggest a treatment procedure accordingly. Surgery is usually the last resort when all other treatments fail to work.

You went after the surgery the patient needs to strictly abide by all the guidelines set by the doctor which include complete bed rest and abstaining from all kind of rigorous physical activities that may put unnecessary strain on the affected joint. Physiotherapy may be started within 3 to 4 days after the surgery.

Sunday, January 27, 2019

How to prepare yourself for knee replacement surgery?

Early recovery from a knee replacement surgery primarily depends on the physical condition of the patient and the course of rehabilitation which has been prescribed by the concerned team of orthopaedics and physical trainers for the patient. Dr. Aashish Chaudhry with his years of fruitful experience states that any surgery in the field of orthopaedics demands full support from the patient in terms of what they eat, how they exercise, and what their daily routine is like. By implementing small changes in their lifestyles, they can increment the chances of a quick recovery.

A highly qualified and professionally experienced orthopaedic surgeon from a renowned knee replacement hospital in Delhi advises the patients who are about to undergo a knee replacement surgery that they should maintain direct contact with the concerned surgeons. It is important for them to get away from any kind of doubt which can later hinder the process of rehabilitation, mental preparedness for such surgeries plays a crucial role in the course of a timely and healthy recovery. Any type of questions regarding the surgery such as the methodology of surgery, the type of medical instruments and equipment to be used, the use of anaesthesia and its nature and impact, the type of physical training to be performed, the necessity of supervision in the this case, and the activities of the rehabilitation program, all these questions should be asked to the orthopedics. Keep in mind that the doctors are always on the forefront to help their patients, 'it's our duty', adds an expert of knee replacement in Delhi.

knee replacement in DelhiThe mode of preparation before undergoing any kind of knee replacement surgery in India is contingent upon the type of surgery which is being performed, it can either be partial or total in nature. Secondly, the overall health condition of the patient determines the activities of the rehabilitation program. It is ensured by the doctor that the physical activities should suit the well being of the patient and there should not add any sort of unnecessary pressure on the patient's health which else could result in his or her health's deterioration. The doctors advise the patients to start the preparation for such surgeries by making up their minds. To be sure of what is about to follow-up, they can consult the doctor regarding the basics of the surgery. In time, the lifestyle of the patient should be modified in a way that the route of recovery fits in perfectly which facilitates its strict follow-up without any deviations.

As per the inputs of the best orthopaedic doctor in Delhi, planning early helps the patient in avoiding the stress. Going too easy on the process of surgery is also not the right thing to do. In fact surgery for knee replacement is a. complicated process which needs high-end precision and productive expertise for successful outcomes. Post-surgery, the patient will take some time to recover, the patient should acknowledge the fact that the time period of rehabilitation is not the same across all the cases. Some patients experienced early recovery while some take time to adjust into the normal lifestyle.

To experience a quick recovery, the patient can follow up some guidelines and take precautions which will help him or her to boost their natural health and body's capacity to reclaim the normal functioning. If the patient smokes or is alcoholic, orthopaedics advises quitting these habits because they pose a serious threat to the health of the patient. Secondly moving in shape adds to the chances of reducing the time of the recovery. The patient needs support for simple activities like walking until the recovery is complete. Pre-surgery, making the house patient-friendly with the installation of safety rails and cutting the distance for moving from one position to another position will help the patient after the surgery has been performed.

Monday, January 21, 2019

What is bacterial gastroenteritis?

GI surgery hospital in Delhi  - Aakash HealthcareBacterial gastroenteritis is a chronic medical problem triggered by bacterial invasion in the gut that leads to inflammation in the stomach and the intestines. The symptoms of bacterial gastroenteritis vary depending on the type of bacteria that is responsible for the infection and the common symptoms include loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal pains and cramps, blood in your stools and fever. If the symptoms are not seen to improve in five days in case of an adult or two days in case of a child, one should consult a doctor without any further delay. While it is the viral infections that are mostly considered to be responsible for food poison but bacterial infections are also greatly responsible for these and can be much worse. Bacterial gastroenteritis is usually a result of poor hygiene and consumption of contaminated food or water. The infection is also seen to occur after having close contact with animals. You can find some of the best gastro specialists in Delhi who offer the best treatment at very low rates.

Numerous bacteria including Yersinia that is found in pork, Staphylococcus that is found in dairy products, meat, and eggs, Shigella that is found in water (often swimming pools), Salmonella that is found in meat, dairy products, and eggs, Campylobacter that is found in meat and poultry and E. coli that is found in ground beef and salads can cause gastroenteritis.

It is very important for the patient to remain hydrated in order to avoid unnecessary complications and also to make sure that you do not lose too much salt, such as sodium and potassium as the body needs these in certain amounts in order to function properly. In case of a severe case of bacterial gastroenteritis, one may have to be admitted to the hospital and given fluids and salts intravenously and antibiotics are given in the cases that are extremely severe. The best GI surgeon in Delhi also suggests a proper meal plan to the patient that helps to avoid the problem in future.

Mild infections can be easily treated at home by drinking fluids throughout the day especially after bouts of diarrhoea, eating little and often, and including some salty foods, consuming foods or drinks with potassium, such as fruit juice and bananas, not taking any medications without asking the doctor. But if the condition of the patient does not improve, it is better to consult a doctor.

One can take preventive measures like washing hands thoroughly after using the bathroom, keeping the kitchen clean, washing vegetables and fruits thoroughly before consuming and drinking bottled water.

You can find the best gastroenterologist in Delhi NCR rather easily. The leading GI surgery hospital in Delhi is the best option to get treated as the doctors in Delhi are highly trained and experienced and provide effective services that are cost-efficient so you can get treated without causing a dent in your pockets.