• Best Diet Tips to Stay on Track

    Drink plenty of water or other calorie , Try drinking flavored sparkling water or brewing a cup of fruit-infused herbal tea.

  • Get active and be a healthy weight

    Eating a healthy, balanced diet plays an essential role in maintaining a healthy weight, which is an important part of overall good health.

  • Don't skip breakfast

    Some people skip breakfast because they think it will help them lose weight. In fact, research shows that people who regularly eat breakfast are less likely to be overweight.

Thursday, July 12, 2018

What are the major symptoms for Arthritis in hip?

Arthritis is one of the most common types of problems in the medical word. It is a condition in which the patient suffers from excessive joint inflammation which is accompanied by a lot of pain and discomfort. Arthritis is very common  in old age  and usually start showing its traces when a person is in his 40's. One of the most common types of Arthritis is osteoarthritis. In case of osteoarthritis the cartilage of the bones gets affected. After consulting the best hip replacement surgeon in Delhi we came to know that osteoarthritis can be broadly classified into two types i.e. primary osteoarthritis and secondary osteoarthritis.
Primary osteoarthritis is localised and affects a persons fingers, hands, hips, knees etc whereas secondary osteoarthritis is the outcome of an injury or other diseases that may affect the cartilage. Reports shown by a hip replacement surgery hospital clearly indicates that just like the knees, the hips are also very vulnerable to the effects of osteoarthritis. When a person's hip is affected by arthritis he might feel pain and discomfort while walking. The pain is not constant and may fluctuate. The patient might feel pain in the areas adjoining the hip as well. These include the buttocks, the pelvic bone, the thigh and the groin.

According to the best hip replacement surgeon in Delhi women are more prone to develop Arthritis in the hip, owing mainly to the decreased amount of estrogen levels in their body due to menopause. Estrogen protects the bones and in its absence the female body tends to develop various bone and joint related problems including osteoarthritis. Apart from this the female body also becomes very weak due to childbirth as it is not only the muscles that stretch but the bones also change their position slightly and this might trigger problems like Arthritis and osteoarthritis in the hips and adjoining areas. The records of the best hip replacement surgery hospital show that the majority of the patients admitted for hip replacement surgery were females.
Overweight and old people are more prone to develop osteoarthritis in there hips. The main reason behind this is that in case of elderly people their bones and cartilage become very delicate and vulnerable and as far as the obese people are concerned, there is an excess pressure on their hip bone due to their weight.

One of the major symptoms of Arthritis in the hips is joint stiffness. If you experience stiffness in your lower back and your thighs when you continuously sit or lay down for a long period of time it might be a matter of concern. This is often accompanied by pain and swelling and it becomes very difficult for the person to move. The patient is not able to perform the normal day to day activities without seeking help. The symptoms may also include the feeling that your bones are rubbing against each other. You might also hear a crunching sound. It is very important to bring the patient under medical supervision as soon as any such symptoms are experienced.

The best way to treat arthritis in hip is hip replacement surgery in which the ball and socket joint of the hip are replaced or coated with a metal or plastic layer so as to avoid friction between the two. The doctor might need to conduct certain test and examination to ensure if the patient is eligible for the surgical process. After the surgery, the patient needs to take complete bed rest and may even require the help of crutches or a wheelchair to move around unless the wound completely heels. Apart from this Physiotherapy can also be opted to speed up the healing process.

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Benefits and Risks of Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery (CABG)

The heart is one of the most vital organs of the human body that performs the function of pumping blood to all the organs. Our heart functions 24/7 and beats about 100,000 times in a day. Although the heart is a very powerful organ but it is equally delicate. The process of carrying oxygenated blood from the heart to different organs of the body and deoxygenated blood from these organs back to the heart is done by arteries. Two of the major arteries of the human body are known as coronary arteries. These play very important role and serve as a passage for blood. Reports and studies conducted by of the leading heart bypass surgery hospital in Delhi states that most of the problems of the heart are related to the coronary arteries. Since the coronary arteries serve as the passage for blood, any defect all problem in these can prove to be fatal for the patient. In the recent years due to unhealthy eating and living practices like eating oily food, spicy food, not exercising, limiting your mobility etc have increased the risk of heart-related diseases. If either is both of the coronary arteries get damaged or blocked it may eventually lead to a heart attack. Obese people are more prone to suffer from coronary artery diseases because they have high content of cholesterol in their body.

The coronary arteries are like a hollow tube and may become narrow with the passage of time going to the formation of a layer of cholesterol that is caused by the consumption of and healthy fats. These build up of cholesterol on the interior of the coronary artery is known as plaque. It is possible to avoid coronary artery diseases by carrying out a Healthy lifestyle, eating healthy food, cutting down on your consumption of fat, exercising and jogging. However, if you are detected to be suffering from coronary artery diseases it is now possible to treat the problem with the help of coronary artery bypass surgery. Studies conducted by the best heart Bypass surgery hospital in Delhi show that coronary artery Bypass surgery have to to be very beneficial in improving the blood circulation. These surgeries are very complicated and it is advisable to consult the best cardiologists and take second opinion.

Coronary artery Bypass surgery reduces the chances of heart attack and other  fatal heart related problems by normalizing the amount of blood flowing through the arteries. Decrease in the amount of blood flow to the heart means that there is a decrease in the amount of oxygen levels in the body. Coronary artery bypass surgery is one of the most common type of heart surgeries.
Coronary artery bypass surgery also helps you to go back to your Healthy lifestyle by eliminating all the risks of developing fatal heart diseases.

However, it must be kept in mind that surgery does not eliminate the chance of developing the plaque in future and you might need to undergo the surgery again if any such thing happens.
However, not everyone is eligible for a coronary artery bypass heart surgery and you need to undergo a certain test and examinations to ensure that you are an eligible candidate.

Even after the surgery, you need to take all the prescribed medicines and follow all the instructions given by your physician. On failing to do so the wound might become infected and create further problems for the patient.
Studies conducted by the best heart bypass surgery hospital in Delhi show that it is possible that the surgery might affect the patients ability to think properly or may even lead to memory loss. However this problem is temporary and takes about 6-9 months to improve.

Total knee Arthroplasty: Care at Home

Total knee arthroplasty is a surgical procedure used to remove the damaged knee cap and replace it with a man-made, metal or plastic component created by experts in such a way that you knee moves just like it used to before you developed the problem total knee arthroplasty is usually performed in case of osteoarthritis. Arthritis is a very common problem in today's world. Total knee arthroplasty can be used to treat various knee related problems that are caused by arthritis, osteoarthritis, or injury caused by an accident. Knee problems may also rise due to unhealthy lifestyle that leads to obesity which in turn results in a lot of pressure on the knees as they support the weight of the whole body. Nowadays we see that with the advent of the  scientific and technological era the human race has wholly and solely become dependent upon machines for their day to day work. Knee problems are more common in females then in males owing  to the fact that after a woman reaches her menopause, the estrogen content in her body drastically comes down. Estrogen helps protect the bones and as its quantity decreases, the vulnerability to develop Arthritis increases. Total knee arthroplasty is the best solution for all these problems that can be very painful and may prevent you from leading a happy and healthy lifestyle.

The surgeries performed by inducing unconsciousness using anaesthesia. The damaged knee cap is then removed carefully without damaging the adjoining joints. A matter of plastic asked replica of the kneecap is then positioned in its place. After the surgery you might not be able to move without help for some time. You might even need the help of crutches or a wheelchair until the wound is completely healed. It usually takes about 6 to 7 weeks for the wound to heal completely. The surgery has a huge success rate and has health thousands of people to regain the ability to walk without support. Although you might initially but the pain Killers will take care of that. The diet plays a very important role as it provides all the essential nutrients that speeden up the healing process and help prevent such problems in future.

After the surgery it is advisable for the patient to take complete bed rest with minimum mobilisation. Physiotherapy also helps in the process of recovery. Exercises should be done under expert supervision. The patient need perform the exercises regularly and if they feel to do so it might affect the success rate of the surgery. The patient should make sure that they put minimum possible weight on the operated leg and use crutches or even wheelchair if required. The patient should avoid climbing stairs and if needed the room should be shifted to the ground floor so that they do not have to use the stairs. A nurse could be arranged to take care of the patient unless he becomes capable of moving on his own. A sound mind leads to a sound body hence you need to make sure that the patient is kept in a positive environment.

The patient should avoid sitting on the floor as flexion might cause further pain and discomfort. The patient should be provided with the chair or bed  such that it becomes easier for him to sit down or sleep. The bending of the affected knee should be avoided as much as possible. Apart from this running and jogging should be halted unless you doctor allows you to do so. Make sure you follow all the instructions given by your doctor as these help to speed up your recovery and help you leave and normal life, just like before. 

Monday, July 9, 2018

How to Keep your Knees Healthy?

knee replacement surgery
Our knees play a very important role in our movement.  just like the fingerprints of different persons vary so do there knees. The importance of the knees can be deduced from the fact that if there is any problem with our knees it directly affects our mobility as it bears the weight of the body and help in carrying activities like running, jumping etc. Nowadays we solely depend upon Technology for various purposes. And healthy Lifestyle has also been a major cause of growing knee problems. Reports by an orthopedics and joint replacement Hospital in Delhi as shown that obese people are more prone to develop knee and joint problems in old age. If not read it properly its light problem in the knee can lead to immobility and the person may become dependent on others, for his day to day activities, for the rest of his life. This not only physically disable a person but also leaves a very negative impact on his mind. Problems related to knees and joints are very common in older people as the bones continue to grow weaker over time.

Studies show that total knee replacement surgery is one of the most widely performed surgeries. Although such surgeries are very helpful in treating knee related problems but in some cases, such operations do not prove out to be successful because of the lack of proper care by the patients. Studies by an orthopaedics and joint replacement Hospital show that there are many patients who do not take proper care and follow the routine prescribed by the doctor and this minimizes the success rate of the surgery.

Any problems can be easily avoided by following a Healthy lifestyle and taking out time for exercising daily so that your bones remain strong. As already discussed obese people are more prone to develop Arthritis and other knee related problems. If you have suffered an injury on your knee or the area around it might increase your vulnerability to develop knee related problems. Walking is one of the best exercises to avoid Arthritis and other knee related. It not only opens you join but also increases your immunity and strengthens your bones. It also helps to fight obesity hence bringing down the chances of developing knee related problems in the future. No matter what the age of the person is an exercise is the best option and its benefits are known to all. Apart from this, you can also try stretching and yoga as these are also very beneficial but they need to be performed under export supervision or else you might hurt yourself. 

Children, as well as adults, should take a balanced diet with the proper amount of calcium. Children, as well as adults, should take milk as it contains calcium which helps in strengthening the bones. Women especially should take extra care as they are more prone to develop arthritis. After the age of 40 when women reach menopause estrogen levels in their body decrease. Estrogen places a very important role in strengthening the bones and once its level starts decreasing you become more prone to bone and joint related problems. Calcium supplements that are available in the market should also be considered but only under the supervision of a medical expert.

Even after the surgery you need to take proper care of yourself. Physiotherapy is a great help in this regard. Also, you need to follow each and every single instruction given by your doctor religiously. Total knee replacement surgery can be a success only if the patients are in cooperation with the doctor. The wound might take a certain time to heal. You need to be patient and positive about the process. 

How to lead a healthy life after bypass surgery?

Everyone is aware of the fact that heart is the most important and powerful organ of the human body that pumps oxygenated blood to different organs and purifies the deoxygenated blood that is sent to it by various organs. There is a continuous cycle of flow of blood through various channels known as arteries. The two major arteries that are connected on either side of the heart a known as the coronary arteries. These are the entrance and exit Pathways for the blood flowing from the organs to the heart and from the heart back to different organs respectively.

The coronary arteries have a hollow tubular structure which allows free flow of blood, however, this might get blocked due to the excessive accumulation of cholesterol particles which are commonly known as Plaque. Increase in cholesterol levels in the body is a side effect of a Healthy lifestyle. As per the best tavi cardiac surgery hospital, consumption of unhealthy fats leads to obesity which in turn increases the cholesterol levels in your body. Hence obese people are at an increased risk of developing coronary artery heart diseases. Blockade in the coronary artery may lead to fatal health issues and increase the risks of heart attack.
Studies conducted by the best tavi cardiac surgery hospital show that one of the best methods to treat coronary artery disease is TAVI or Transcatheter aortic valve implantation. In this process a small tube-like structure called catheter is inserted interval large into a large blood vessel through a small incision in the chest. The aortic valve is implanted with the help of this incision. This valve is artificially constructed with the help of natural tissues taken from the heart of cattles such as cows and pigs.
Before the surgery, you need to undergo certain tests and examinations in order to make sure that you are eligible for the surgery. You will have to get admitted to the hospital a day before the surgery for all the important pre-operation checkups. In case your cardiologist prescribes you search in medicines make sure you take the proper dosage on time in order to minimize any complications during the surgery.
After undergoing the transcatheter aortic valve implantation the patient might become weak and take certain days to recover completely. It is very important to take proper care and perform all the prescribed instructions religiously in order to make the surgery a success. You might need to continue certain medications even after the surgery. Make sure you take all the medicines properly and on time.
After the transcatheter aortic valve implantation, the of the wound should be changed every day in order to avoid infections as these may prove to be fatal. Infection may also affect the healing process and slow down your recovery. Consult your doctor whenever you feel any discomfort or pain so that they can be treated as soon as possible.
 The patient needs to cut down on his consumption of unhealthy fats and oily foods and replace the normal oil with olive oil. Adding Greens to your food may also speed up the recovery process.
Avoid drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes as they not only bring down the healing process but may increase the chances of coronary artery disease in the future. These release harmful substances into the blood which might affect the success rate of the surgery drastically and prove fatal for the patient.

The procedure might affect the patients thinking capacity or may even lead to memory loss but you do not need to worry as these problems are only temporary and improve with time. It takes about 6 to 9 months for these problems to fade away completely. 

Friday, July 6, 2018

How to take care of eyes at home?

 Eyes being one of the most vital and delicate organs of the human body need utmost care and protection. Eyes are one of the most important organs of the human. They enable us to see. A slight scratch in the eye can prove to be a matter of concern and if not treated properly a person may even lose his ability to see. Our eyes function 24/7 and undergo a lot of stress and strain In our day to day life.
We are quite aware of the harmful effects of pollution on our eyes and some people believe that we only need to take care of our eyes when we are outdoor. However the reality is that it is not only the pollution that is harmful for our eyes and it is equally important to take care of our eyes at home. Although we don't realise it but many day to day activities that we indulge in, are harmful for our eyes. Reports and studies conducted by the best eye hospital in Delhi shows that most of the cases of eye problems are an outcome of excessvie use of computers and mobiles. All the technological advancements have made our life easier but constant use of technology can prove very harmful for our eyes. The best ophthalmologist in Delhi says that continuously sitting in front of the computer screen can have a drastic effect on your eyes and weaken our eyesight.

A few steps suggested by the best ophthamologist in Delhi to avoid eye problems at home are as under:
A proper and balanced diet plays a very important role in maintaining the health of Eyes. The nutrients present in foods such as carrots and green vegetables help improve vision. They also increase immunity and reduce the chances of eye infection.
Reports given by the best eye hospital in Delhi show that smoking can have harmful effects on the vision of a person. Chain smokers are often seen to suffer from visual disabilities. Hence it is advisable to quit smoking.
If your work is such that you have to constantly stick to your computer screen you should make it a point to take breaks at regular intervals in order to relieve your eyes. Constantly staring at the computer screen may damage your eyes to a degree that you might need to undergo surgery to regain normal vision this is because when the bright light emmited from the computer falls on our eyes it leads to eyestrain. Also it should be ensured that you do not directly face the window while working on a computer. The lighting of the working space should be dim if you are working on a laptop.
We can't stop children from watching cartoon but we should try to limit the time for which they watch television and make sure that the do not sit close to the computer screen but maintain a proper distance.
The study rooms should be properly lit and the light should neither be too bright, nor too dim.
If you have been prescribed reading or working glasses by your ophthalmologist, make sure you do not forget to wear them while reading a working on a computer as this may affect your eyesight. In case you wear contact lenses make sure you properly clean them after use and store them properly in a hygienic place.
If you have a family history of eye problems make sure you visit your ophthamologist for the frequent eye examination to ensure there's no problem.

In case you have high blood pressure or sugar make sure you take your medications properly as these also affect your eyes and vision. 

How Recurrent Shoulder dislocation?

Shoulder dislocation happens due to severe injury, or hurt. When the skull of the humerus dislocates, the socket bone and the ligaments in the front of the shoulder are often injured. A severe first dislocation can lead to continued dislocations along with a feeling of volatility. Some of the common indications of chronic shoulder instability include unbearable pain caused by shoulder injury, recurring shoulder dislocations; a constant feeling of the shoulder being loose. The frequency of the humeral head defect has been underestimates in the past, because of the complexity of indicating it, particularly when the defect is small. The initial dislocation, which results in the development of one or both these persistent structural malfunction, may be due to different types of injury, the commonest of them fall on the extended hand.  It is believed that continued instability after this operation is usually due to the presence of a deficiency of the humeral head. If you are deciding for the surgery, you should aim at repairing the effects of both types of lesion. Patient going through recurring shoulder dislocation may consult good sports injury treatment in Delhi.

Why does the shoulder dislocate?
Shoulder is one of the most movable of all the joints in the body. This makes it the joint which is most vulnerable for dislocations. In a proportion of these patients, the shoulder is likely to dislocate repeatedly after the first dislocation. Patients with an inclination for repeated dislocation are said to have a wobbly shoulder or shoulder instability. Now, sports injury treatment in Delhi is quite accessible. Anyone can visit them to have a consultation and take the decision of surgery options.

How does the shoulder dislocate?
A shoulder may dislocate after a major injury like a fall on a stretched out hand or direct blow to the shoulder or it may also displace without a significant injury that have an inborn sloppiness of joints. Athletes involved in throwing sports are more prone to the recurring action due to forceful fling. This may causes the anterior capsule to stretch out and can lead to a Shoulder dislocation.

What are the types of shoulder dislocations?
Shoulder dislocation is classified on the basis of the direction in which the ball dislocates from the socket. It is names unidirectional, if it dislodges in one direction only, or multidirectional if it dislocates in more than one direction.

Why is the shoulder joint prone to recurrent dislocation?


The shoulder is a mostly unstable joint due the head of the humerus having a wider boundary than the socket which is also shallow. As a result, the stability of the shoulder is therefore reliant on the neighboring soft tissues like the labrum, capsule and the ligaments.

When the shoulder puts out of place in the front owing to an injury, the ball is forced out of the joint. This causes disruption in the ligaments of the shoulder. A painful injury that causes shoulder dislocation adds to the risk for ongoing shoulder dislocation which can make you vulnerable to more dislocations in future. It is a kind of vicious cycle. Generally, people go through shoulder instability if the cartilage is damaged or they stretch the shoulder ligaments beyond power making them looser. Injuries that do any of the above things can deteriorate shoulder stability in the long term if not properly addressed by a medical professional.

Sports injury treatment in Delhi deals with all bone and joint related problems, arthritis and Joint replacement surgeries. These surgeries are performed by practiced and qualified doctor through latest and cutting edge equipments / technologies.

Did you know this about your eyes?

Eyes are the most vital and delicate organs of the human body and they start functioning as soon as we are born. Although babies are born colourblind, but they slowly develop their eyesight within a very brief period of time. Our eyes enable us to see. Although we think that we know everything about our eyes but the best opthamologist in Delhi lays down certain facts that are hardly known by us. Our eyes function 24/7 and hence the muscles of the eyes are the most active of all the muscles in our body.

If a person has blue or green eyes it is possible that his later generations may show the same trait however the best ophthalmologist in Delhi states that having blue or green coloured eyes is a recessive trait and even if nobody from the earlier generations of a person had coloured eyes, it is possible for the future generations to have them.Some people may even be born with two different eye colours. A person suffering from such condition is said to be heterochromatic and the the condition is called heterochromia. In such cases lenses can be used to fix the problem.
As mentioned earlier eyes are very delicate and slide scratch or impurity in the eye can be very irritating and painful. However eyes heal very quickly. In case of a normal scratch, it may take upto 48 hours to heal completely as suggested by best eye hospital in delhi 

Increasing pollution and excessive use of personal computers, laptops, and mobiles is the major reason for various eye-related diseases nowadays. Dust particles present in the atmosphere can enter our eyes and cause irritation and you in infections. Hence it is very important take care of our eyes especially when we are outside. According to the best opthamologist in Delhi, ultraviolet radiations coming from the Sun are also extremely fatal for the eyes and it is advisable to wear Sun shades while going out as they are not only protect the eyes from the solar radiations but also stop atmospheric impurities from entering our eyes.

An average human beings about 12 times in a minute and an average blink lasts for about 1/10th of a second. Blinking can be voluntary as well as involuntary and it helps to relieve the eyes from strain and stress. However excessive blinking indicates that there is some problem with the eyelids or the upper surface of the eye.

As far as the infants are concerned, they develop proper eyesight with time. An average baby takes about 8 weeks to completely focus on one object. Even at this stage, they are still not properly coordinated and they take approximately 2 months to develop proper coordination. The tear ducts of infants are also underdeveloped and do not produce tears till they are 4 weeks old.
Due to advancements in the field of medicine and technology it has now become possible to restore a person's eyesight by surgical process. However it is yet not possible to completely transplant an eyeball. As the optic nerve that connects the eye to the brain is extremely sensitive and it is not possible to reconstruct it with accuracy.

The cells in our eyes are of different shapes and forms such as rod shaped and cone shaped. Rod shaped cells are associated with imparting vision where as cone shaped cells help us to distinguish between different colours. Both are equally important and help in proper functioning of the eyes.

Around 39 million people all around the world are not able to see and even more suffer from visual impairment which may be present by birth or a result of an accident or injury. 

TAVI Cardiac Surgery: How Successful Is It?

Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation also known as Percutaneous aortic valve replacement or transcatheter aortic valve replacement is the alternate of the aortic valve of the heart through the blood vessels. Transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) has become a beneficial treatment for patients with aortic valve stenosis deemed at high or even high-priced risk for open surgery.

TAVI is all set to revolutionize the face of cardiac care in India. Although Tavi Cardiac Surgery Hospital in India is offering it but the operating expenses are high at present and benefits are unsurpassed. TAVI allows many patients with severe aortic valve stenosis who were previously classified as too high risk or inoperable, to be effectively treated, giving them a second chance to be able to lead a healthy life.

TAVI or transcatheter aortic valve implantation is a surgery wherein the surgery is performed without opening the heart to place an artificial valve in the place of the older aortic valve.  In this kind of surgery, there is a system of valve over valve, where the collapsible replacement valve is pressed through a catheter into the aortic valve and allowed to open up. As a result, the stenosed valvular leaflets are pushed aside and the new prosthetic valve gets active for controlling the flow of blood. The cost of TAVI Cardiac Surgery is approximately 15 to 18 lakh in Tavi Cardiac Surgery Hospital in India.

The risk for complications is moderately low; however, in roughly 1% of patients emergency cardiac surgery (ECS) becomes vital during TAVI. Some of the frequent complications are - Aortic injury, embolization of the TAVI prosthesis, and myocardial injury. Transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) has become a highly successful and advantageous treatment for patients with severe symptomatic aortic valve stenosis.

Benefits / Success of TAVI:

·         TAVI or Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation is a procedure wherein a non-natural prosthetic valve is passed through a tube by incision on a large vein of the leg or thigh, such as the femoral artery or a large artery in the chest.
·         Hence, the old valve is compressed and the replacement fits into place and acts as a normal valve. In this method of TAVI, patients undergo quick recovery and short hospital stay.
·         After the surgery, patient can start their day to day functions without much delay.
·         It is also of benefit for debilitated patients, mostly in their old age after 60 years, because they are not suitable to undergo the open heart surgery methods.
·         TAVI is suitable for patients with just aortic stenosis and no other condition can be benefited if the chest hollow space is opened.
·         With this surgery, patients are less prone to any side effects. In the long run also, aortic valve replacement by this process of catheterisation is quite successful and helps people with better recovery potential.
·         These surgeries range from simple relief of obstruction to the replacement of various vessels and valves. Many of the methods have undergone huge changes in the recent times, because of improved skills and better equipments in the hands of the doctors. 

·          The advantage of the procedure is that the patient’s condition returns to normality immediately after the procedure

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Recurrent Shoulder dislocation

Shoulder dislocation happens due to severe injury, or hurt. When the skull of the humerus dislocates, the socket bone and the ligaments in the front of the shoulder are often injured. A severe first dislocation can lead to continued dislocations along with a feeling of volatility. Some of the common indications of chronic shoulder instability include unbearable pain caused by shoulder injury, recurring shoulder dislocations; a constant feeling of the shoulder being loose. The frequency of the humeral head defect has been underestimates in the past, because of the complexity of indicating it, particularly when the defect is small. The initial dislocation, which results in the development of one or both these persistent structural malfunction, may be due to different types of injury, the commonest of them fall on the extended hand.  It is believed that continued instability after this operation is usually due to the presence of a deficiency of the humeral head. If you are deciding for the surgery, you should aim at repairing the effects of both types of lesion. Patient going through recurring shoulder dislocation may consult good sports injury treatment in Delhi

Why does the shoulder dislocate?
Shoulder is one of the most movable of all the joints in the body. This makes it the joint which is most vulnerable for dislocations. In a proportion of these patients, the shoulder is likely to dislocate repeatedly after the first dislocation. Patients with an inclination for repeated dislocation are said to have a wobbly shoulder or shoulder instability. Now, sports injury treatment in Delhi is quite accessible. Anyone can visit them to have a consultation and take the decision of surgery options.

 How does the shoulder dislocate?
A shoulder may dislocate after a major injury like a fall on a stretched out hand or direct blow to the shoulder or it may also displace without a significant injury that have an inborn sloppiness of joints. Athletes involved in throwing sports are more prone to the recurring action due to forceful fling. This may causes the anterior capsule to stretch out and can lead to a Shoulder dislocation.

What are the types of shoulder dislocations?
Shoulder dislocation is classified on the basis of the direction in which the ball dislocates from the socket. It is names unidirectional, if it dislodges in one direction only, or multidirectional if it dislocates in more than one direction.

Why is the shoulder joint prone to recurrent dislocation?


The shoulder is a mostly unstable joint due the head of the humerus having a wider boundary than the socket which is also shallow. As a result, the stability of the shoulder is therefore reliant on the neighboring soft tissues like the labrum, capsule and the ligaments.

When the shoulder puts out of place in the front owing to an injury, the ball is forced out of the joint. This causes disruption in the ligaments of the shoulder. A painful injury that causes shoulder dislocation adds to the risk for ongoing shoulder dislocation which can make you vulnerable to more dislocations in future. It is a kind of vicious cycle. Generally, people go through shoulder instability if the cartilage is damaged or they stretch the shoulder ligaments beyond power making them looser. Injuries that do any of the above things can deteriorate shoulder stability in the long term if not properly addressed by a medical professional.

Sports injury treatment in Delhi deals with all bone and joint related problems, arthritis and Joint replacement surgeries. These surgeries are performed by practiced and qualified doctor through latest and cutting edge equipments / technologies.

Friday, June 29, 2018

How to perform the procedure of joint replacement

Joint is considered as the connection between two different parts of the body. They are present in different parts and important for the movement of the body. The angles in which we are able to move the body is looked after by them only. All the physical activities are done with the help of joint only. It comes under musculoskeletal system. Any disease or condition related to the joints can cause problems in the movement. The branch of medicine which deals with conditions related to our musculoskeletal system is known as orthopedics. Some of the common joints which are affected are - knee, hip, shoulder etc. 
There are different less invasive treatments given but if none of them works, then you should go ahead with surgery. Replacement of knee is one of the options. For the well being, it is important to consult the best knee replacement specialist in India.

If you see the statistics of past few years, then it can be easily seen that medical tourism for knee replacement has been on the rise. The quality provided here is excellent. Another important reason is cost. In India, you will get knee replacement at low prices. It is a surgical procedure in which the doctor removes the diseases joint and replaces it with the help of an artificial joint. The procedure involves removing the damaged part away and adding material made of metal alloys or high grade plastic, polymer etc.

Knee replacement surgery in India is required because of the following reasons –
·         Pain is the most common reason. Even in any small condition, joint pain is the main reason why any treatment is needed. Surgery is recommended when even simplest of the daily functions are difficult to do.
·         Osteoarthritis – this type of arthritis is related to age. There is wear and tear of the joints. It is usually seen in older people as there is tearing of the cartilage that cushions the bones of the knees.
·          Rheumatoid arthritis is a type of arthritis in which the synovial membrane which surrounds the joint becomes inflamed and thickens. It is also known as inflammatory arthritis and leads to cartilage loss, pain and stiffness.
   Knee replacement hospitals in India get patients who are there because of a serious knee injury. It can also be there because of fractures of bones that surround the knee.

Knee replacement doctors and surgeons prepare you weeks before the surgery. Certain medications may be stopped and you will be told not to eat the night before the surgery. In this procedure, general anesthesia is administered. You will not feel any pain and discomfort. To prevent post surgical infection, antibiotics will be given before. During the procedure, your knees will be bent so that all the surfaces of the joint are viewed. An incision of about 6 to 10 inches is made and the damaged surfaces are removed from the body. The surgeon then puts the artificial joint and closes the incisions.