Best Diet Tips to Stay on Track
Drink plenty of water or other calorie , Try drinking flavored sparkling water or brewing a cup of fruit-infused herbal tea.
Get active and be a healthy weight
Eating a healthy, balanced diet plays an essential role in maintaining a healthy weight, which is an important part of overall good health.
Don't skip breakfast
Some people skip breakfast because they think it will help them lose weight. In fact, research shows that people who regularly eat breakfast are less likely to be overweight.
Showing posts with label shoulder replacement surgeons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shoulder replacement surgeons. Show all posts
Wednesday, September 5, 2018
How do you recover from Shoulder Replacement Surgery?
The ball-and-socket shoulder joint allows for proper upper and lower movement of arms adding to the well-functioning skeleton system of human body. Any damage to the shoulder or its structures due to any serious accident, a torn rotator cuff, and a severe case of arthritis can seriously hamper the normal working of the shoulder. The mild cases of shoulder injury can be treated with medications, drugs, and physical therapy. But if the conditions turn out to be severe, it is of utmost importance to opt for shoulder replacement surgery.
The recovery after shoulder replacement surgery is affected by various factors which include the healing capacity of the patient, the type of pain management therapy customised for the patient, the impact of recovery through rehabilitation, the requirement of the patient to use a sling, and the precautions undertaken by the patient. All of these factors culminate together to determine the recovery in a specific time period after shoulder replacement surgery. The shoulder replacement doctors usually opt between total replacement surgery, partial replacement surgery, and reverse shoulder surgery, all contingent upon the type of shoulder damage and well-being of the patient.
As per the dynamically experienced shoulder replacement doctors, pain can be observed post treatment and it is completely normal. If the pain exceeds, doctors describe medicine to reduce the postoperative pain. Likewise, antibiotics are prescribed to safeguard the patient from acquiring infections. The techniques used for recovery post shoulder replacement in India are medically appreciated to considerably focus on pain management.
Usually, opioids, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and local anaesthetics are prescribed to ease the pain and to enhance faster healing. An assortment of these medicines is provided for a combined effect of quick healing.
Before discharging the patient, the shoulder replacement doctors take care of providing an efficient rehabilitation program to ensure the effectivity of shoulder replacement surgery. Post operation, shoulder replacement doctors create a customized plan of physical therapy which suits the general-well being of the patient and it is focused on strengthening the position and working of the shoulder. This physiotherapy is usually extended for recovery at home. In case if supervision cannot be performed by the family members or accompaniment of the patient, the shoulder replacement doctors office provide a physical therapist who properly aids the patient to undergo physical therapy. The shoulder replacement doctors specifically warn to not overdo the exercises because an increment of pressure on the shoulders can lead to the negative result of shoulder replacement surgery.
The patient is discharged from the hospital it can be as early as one day after the operation. A customised plan is crafted to ensure proper recovery of the patient at home. A home exercise program along with a prescription for pain is provided. As per the healing of the operated area, shoulder replacement doctors advice wearing a sling for few days varying from two to four weeks post shoulder replacement surgery till the shoulder gains back its strength. The shoulder replacement doctors recommend no contact of water with the wound(s) so that it can properly seal with time.
The well-specialised doctors of shoulder replacement surgery in India focus on the routine of the patient post shoulder replacement surgery. It is clearly advised to not put excessive pressure and the operating portion and to please ask for assistance or medicinal help if there is a need. If the patient disciplinary follows the recommendations and prescriptions of shoulder replacement doctors, the recovery is quick and as the result, the patient can go through their normal routine without any assistance.
Tuesday, July 31, 2018
Life after shoulder replacement surgery for a sports person
In today's world, disorders like arthritis which affect bone and joint health are pretty common. A large section of the population is affected by problems related to arthritis however; its worst impact is on those belonging to the sports world. Arthritis especially osteoarthritis and osteoporosis is a very common problem amongst the sportspersons due to excessive wear and tear of the joints and the cartilage. The commonly affected areas include knees and ankles. Although arthritis may even affect the shoulders of a person but the chances are considerably low. However, studies have shown that the cases of shoulder joint replacement in Delhi have increased in the recent past and reached to ten thousand per annum. Delhi is a hub for the best shoulder replacement surgeons of the country. Life of a sports person is brought back to normal by the surgery. He/ She can easily carry on with the sports with great efficiency and there are very rare cases where efficiency of the sports person has decreased after the surgery. Even in such cases, the problem can be reversed by physiotherapy and practicing your respective sport. Shoulder replacement surgery can be of two types namely partial shoulder replacement surgery and total shoulder replacement surgery.
Problems in the shoulder can restrict the movement of a person's arm and lead to a lot of pain and discomfort. It becomes and we argue for the person to perform his day-to-day activities let alone play a sport. Any kind of physical injury not only affects sports person physically with also mentally and may even lead to depression and anxiety. Some of the problems include inflammation, frequent joint pains, discomfort while moving the arm, and localised movement.
The disease is generally diagnosed by physical examination of the patient and sometimes even x-rays might be required which can be easily done at orthopaedic hospitals where shoulder joint replacement in Delhi is available. One of the typical cases of arthritis is bone on bone arthritis in which there is no cartilage left on the bones joint and it results into the bones rubbing against each other, creating friction which is not at all good. Often the causes of shoulder joint pain include manual labor, or diseases of the cervical spine or neck, liver, heart diseases, and diseases of the gallbladder. Sometime the cause of pain might be the injury to other parts of the body like neck or bicep. A torn rotator cuff or torn cartilage may also be the cause of shoulder pain. Shoulder joint pains are of a wide variety like the frozen shoulder where the ligaments, tendons, and muscles of the shoulder stiffen thereby limiting the movement of the joint. Other than that patient may complain of a grinding sensation in the joint resulting in extreme pain. Usually, the cause of the pain may be diagnosed by carrying out some tests and physical examination. Others than that X-ray or even MRI may be advised by the doctors for close examination.
Treatment of the shoulder pain usually depends upon the severity and the main cause of the pain. In several cases of shoulder joint pain, your doctor may ask you to consult a physiotherapist or shoulder replacement surgeons. However, in more severe cases sling or a shoulder immobilizer may also be prescribed. At times the patients suffering from shoulder joint pain may require surgery. Also in some cases anti-inflammatory injections may also be needed to inject into the joint. Shoulder replacement surgery is a medical procedure in which the damaged joint is removed and is replaced by an implant. Surgery is usually required to provide relief from severe cases of arthritis and shoulder joint pain. The patient may need to be hospitalized for a day or two and he/ she needs to take various precautions and complete rest for at least six weeks so as to regain the full movement of the shoulder. Until then the patient has to refrain from playing his sport. Mostly the patients are asked to take proper rest and avoid any kind of manual labor as it can cause complications and difficulty in recovery. During the recovery time patients are also asked to come for follow-ups and to go for physical therapy so as to strengthen the shoulder joint. Once completely recovered, the patients can lead a normal life performing almost all the day to day activities.