Best Diet Tips to Stay on Track
Drink plenty of water or other calorie , Try drinking flavored sparkling water or brewing a cup of fruit-infused herbal tea.
Get active and be a healthy weight
Eating a healthy, balanced diet plays an essential role in maintaining a healthy weight, which is an important part of overall good health.
Don't skip breakfast
Some people skip breakfast because they think it will help them lose weight. In fact, research shows that people who regularly eat breakfast are less likely to be overweight.
Showing posts with label Laparoscopic Surgery in India. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Laparoscopic Surgery in India. Show all posts
Monday, September 3, 2018
What are different Laparoscopic Bariatric Procedures?
By Health Care Tips at September 03, 2018
bariatric surgery, Laparoscopic Surgery in India
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The possibilities of weight loss through medical procedures
has gained a considerable amount of importance in the medical circle and the
number of people opting for these method has also seen a steep rise. These
developments can be traced with increasing awareness among the population in
terms of their general well-being. The reasons behind these procedures can vary
from health issues to the client's idea of self-maintenance.
If we look around the changes that have been noticed in the
procedures of weight loss, a clear focus shines upon the increasing
laparoscopic bariatric procedures which have various advantages over the open
bariatric surgery. The best bariatric surgeons in India confirm that
laparoscopic bariatric surgery has a variety of options which can be customised
as per the patient's requirements and it offers the merits of quicker healing,
less scarring, and early discharge from the hospital.
The bariatric surgery in India works along the standard
lines of effective laparoscopic medical techniques which focus on limiting the
amount of food to be held by the stomach, further creating malabsorption of
nutrients, this gastric restriction and malabsorption work together to provide
considerable weight loss. The conceivable surgical procedures offered by widely
acknowledged laparoscopic bariatric surgery hospital are based on the
basic technique of laparoscopic surgery which is performed through the creation
of small incisions. Medical instruments are inserted along with a laparoscope
which displays visuals of the inside on a digital screen, the description helps
the doctors to perform the operation with the utmost precision and to deliver
successful results.
Out of the available laparoscopic bariatric surgeries,
Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass (gastric bypass) provides almost 60 to 80 per cent of
weight loss which satisfies its position as the 'gold standard’ in this field.
The procedure works to create a small stomach section to facilitate intake of
smaller meals. Almost a portion of the stomach with the volume of 30
millimetres is separated which is followed up by the division of the first
portion of the small intestine and its lower portion is connected to the just
former stomach pouch. The upper portion of the divided small intestine is then
added to the remaining small intestine. Significantly, gastric bypass impacts
the hormone present in the gut resulting into the satisfaction of hunger with
small meals which translates into the intake of fewer calories.
Unlike gastric bypass, the laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy
works without any foreign elements and re-routing and the hospital say is
minimum to two days. In sleeve surgery, almost 80 per cent of the stomach is
removed from the body to create a tubular stomach pouch that satisfies the
appetite with a smaller intake of calories. Secondly, it affects the gut
hormones to reduce the hunger.
Just as the name suggests, adjustable gastric band
laparoscopic bariatric surgery works using a foreign element (inflatable band)
which is inserted inside the body to create a smaller pouch for food above the
band whilst the remaining stomach is excluded from the process. Band surgery
functions on the same lines of gastric bypass and sleeve surgery way by
creating a small portion of the stomach which results in fullness with a small
intake of food. The intake and related fullness depend upon the size of the
opening which can be manipulated with sterile saline.
The biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch (BPD/DS)
gastric bypass is a two-step process and it is considered for not majorly
changing the diet. The first step is the removal of a portion of the stomach
which is continued with bypassing of the small intestine.
The technicalities of these surgeries give significance to
opt for modernly equipped laparoscopic bariatric surgery hospital which
come with a specialised staff and high-end precision instruments.
Friday, August 24, 2018
How Yoga Can us Help in losing weight?
Yoga has become a celebrity trend in the world and people now are exploring the benefits of this ancient tradition that has been crucially important for maintaining health and wellbeing. The various possibilities of performing yoga and its advantages on the health of the person are being worked upon to see how it can be more beneficial for us. In the recent times, a debate has developed around yoga and its effect on weight and with many arguments pouring in, there is a clear distinction between either to perform yoga for weight loss or not to. But even the most well-trained surgeons of advanced laparoscopic surgery hospital in India state that it is important to undertake all the possible lifestyle modifications that can help you in weight loss before choosing therapeutic treatment or surgery in some cases.
Surprisingly, the treatment options for weight loss are being discussed extensively where on one side responses from best liposuction surgeon in Delhi and bariatric surgery specialist in Delhi who advocate surgery for weight loss because it is a no-hassle procedure with instant results. On the other hand, the possibilities of yoga are being explored in the realm of weight loss so that an impact of natural lifestyle can help the client for weight loss.
The argument for advocating yoga as the alternative treatment for weight loss lies in its reliability for a long lasting result. It destructs the fact that yoga is a slow-paced process and it is not energetic enough to burn the excessive calories. Yoga's impact on physical and mental health is strong enough to justify that yoga with its ancient roots, its existence, its practice, along with the plethora of advantages it offers is an amazing tool to lose weight. Yoga has also been seen as the balancing act for mind, body, and soul and it keeps all of these three aspects together for promoting a healthy body which shares balance of rightly maintained body weight. The technique of yoga is designed in such a way that it acts as an effective way to burn the excessive calories, it adds to the flexible state of the body, and tones the muscles.
Specifically for weight loss, power yoga and vinyasa are recommended. These two sorts of yoga empower the body to consume calories around and in the range of 400 to 600 calories for every hour. All asanas convey an assortment of physical advantages and yoga has to offer an endless number of them. Moreover, relatively every stance tends to detoxification in some capacity.
Most importantly, yoga offers an effective improvement in our health and mental capacity. Our daily hectic schedules and poor intake of diet impart stress and anxiety which becomes a direct manifestation of our frustration and anger. Yoga helps to reduce the stress and anxiety and likewise improve our mental health also.
The asanas (stance) is taken from ashtanga yoga which alludes to the physical effort and furthermore the mental health. The practice of yoga can also be confined to some particular stances which directly affect the different parts of the body. If you are looking forward to losing weight at a particular body spot, you can choose this technique. For instance, Ardha Navasana is performed while working on the muscles of the stomach. Similarly, for toning abs, Vasisthasana is performed which works like a side plank with palms face down on the yoga mat, shoulder-width apart, and toes together on the mat.
Yoga thus is efficient enough to lose weight but it takes time for the results to develop. If one is looking for immediate results, a number of surgical options are available. Then again, if surgery cannot be recommended due to health issues of the client, yoga is right there to help you lose weight and be healthy and happy.
Friday, May 4, 2018
Laparoscopic Surgery in India: The Benefits & Risks
By Health Care Tips at May 04, 2018
general surgery hospitals in delhi, Laparoscopic Surgery in India, minimal access surgery
Laparoscopic surgery is a minimal invasive
technique to perform various surgeries and diagnostic procedures. During
laparoscopy a tiny instrument called ‘Laparoscope’ is used, to reach the
abdomen of a patient. The laparoscope also has a tiny camera which gives a
clear picture of the inside thereby assisting a surgeon and also to conduct
correct diagnosis. During the procedure, a very small incision is made which is
healed very fast without harming the surrounding organs or area.
Laparoscopy procedure is recommended in
case of any health issue related to pelvic area or any part of abdomen and
lower abdomen. Doctors rely on laparoscopy procedure in case of problems like
Ectopic Pregnancy, Stones, Appendicitis, Endometriosis, Ovarian cyst and Pelvic
inflammatory disease.
Once a feared word, ‘Surgery’ nowadays have
become a common phenomenon with the advanced technique and quick healing. With
laparoscopic procedures, patients do not have to stay in hospital for days and
can get discharged on the day of the surgery or after a period of 1-2 days
The laparoscopic surgery is quite effective
while performing procedures like:
Cholecystectomy or removal of
gall bladder
Partial or full Proctocolectomy
(removal of intestine and rectum)
Biopsy procedure
In treating endometriosis
In treating ectopic pregnancy
How many hospitals in India offer Laparoscopic procedures?
Almost every hospital in India has the
facility and technology to perform laparoscopic surgery in India. In fact,
people from abroad come to India for their laparoscopic procedures because of
the affordable cost and reliable technology.
Does India have the technique of robotic laparoscopy?
Of course, it does. India in years has
evolved as a promising nation for providing advanced medical facilities. Doctors
in India have also contributed in various transforming and ground-breaking research
and inventions. Robotic laparoscopic has only taken the medical field in India
to the next level.
What is Robotic Laparoscopy?
Robotic Laparoscopy is conducted by a
mechanical hand which holds the laparoscope and is controlled by a surgeon. The
surgeon controls the robot through a controller to administer the laparoscopic
Can it be risky?
The machine in case of a robotic laparoscopy
is fully controlled by a surgeon therefore there is no scope of any error.