• Best Diet Tips to Stay on Track

    Drink plenty of water or other calorie , Try drinking flavored sparkling water or brewing a cup of fruit-infused herbal tea.

  • Get active and be a healthy weight

    Eating a healthy, balanced diet plays an essential role in maintaining a healthy weight, which is an important part of overall good health.

  • Don't skip breakfast

    Some people skip breakfast because they think it will help them lose weight. In fact, research shows that people who regularly eat breakfast are less likely to be overweight.

Showing posts with label joint replacement surgery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label joint replacement surgery. Show all posts

Friday, March 8, 2019

Joint Replacement Surgery: FAQs

Joint replacement surgery is a medical procedure that aims at helping people suffering from chronic joint ailments. The procedure involves the removal of a damaged joint and replacing it with an artificially created graft made up of plastic, ceramics or metal. The procedure is offered at all the leading orthopaedic hospitals including the leading spine surgery hospital in India. Joint replacement surgeries have paved way for new possibilities by making it possible for the patient to get rid of the unnecessary pain and discomfort that prevented them from living a normal life. However, joint replacement surgery is usually the last resort of the doctors when all other treatment options fail to work. 

In this blog, we have tried to answer some frequently asked questions about joint replacement surgery with the help of Dr.Bharat Bahre who is one of the most trusted names when it comes to joint replacement surgery in India.

Why do I need joint replacement surgery?

Joint replacement surgery is used to help patients suffering from chronic joint damage which may be the result of a prevailing medical condition like arthritis or osteoporosis, an injury sustained in an accident, severe blow or wear and tear due to prolonged indulgence in rigorous physical activities. Elbow, ankle and shoulder joint replacement surgeries are usually performed in case of sports-related injuries. A lot of patients prefer to undergo elbow, ankle and shoulder joint replacement in Delhi as the treatment offered here is at par with excellence.

Will the surgery help to completely evade the problem? 

The surgery can help you to get instant relief from the pain but it is not a permanent solution and you might even need a revision surgery especially in case of arthritis or osteoarthritis. However, sticking to the guidelines set by your doctor can help to increase the life of the graft and also help you to cope up with the post-surgical trauma. 

How do I know whether I need total or partial knee replacement surgery?

Total knee replacement is recommended to patients whose knee joint has been completely damaged and cannot be restored whereas partial knee replacement is used for patients whose joint has not been damaged completely. The decision is usually taken by your doctor after conducting a series of tests and screenings to determine the extent to which the joint has been damaged. Both partial, as well as total knee replacement surgery in Delhi, is performed by specialised experts who leave no stone unturned in delivering best results. 

What are the various complications associated with joint replacement surgery?

Just like any other medical procedure, joint replacement surgery also has a number of risks and complications associated with it. The surgery is performed under the influence of anaesthesia and as such is not recommended for patients who are allergic to anaesthesia. The various complications associated with joint replacement surgery include blood clotting, infection, nerve damage, dislocation of the prosthesis etc. It is very important to keep all of these in mind before opting for the procedure.

How long do I need to stay in the hospital post surgery?

Undergoing a joint replacement surgery is definitely a big deal and it might take up to months or even years to recover completely. Usually the patient is discharged within 2 to 3 weeks post surgery, however movement of the affected joint is restricted to some extent. Doctors usually recommend complete bed rest and abstaining from all kind of rigorous activities. Normal activities can be started only after consulting your specialist.

What all guidelines need to be followed after a joint replacement surgery?

The success rate of a joint replacement surgery majorly depends upon the willingness of the patient to follow the guidelines and routines set by the doctors. It is advisable to avoid rigorous physical activities. Keep your weight under check as excessive body weight can give rise to complications especially in case of knee, ankle and hip replacement surgeries. Do not move the affected area unnecessarily. Avoid lifting heavy objects and bending your back. Physiotherapy is very important as it helps to increase the flexibility of the affected joint and minimises the time taken for recovery.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

What are the risks of Joint Replacement surgery?

Joint replacement surgery is the medical technique of helping patients suffering from chronic. As the name suggests the procedure involves the replacement of a damaged joint or a part of it with an artificially created graft that resembles the original joint. Our joints can get affected by a number of reasons that include injuries sustained in an accident, normal wear and tear and medical conditions like arthritis and osteoporosis. Joint problems can be very painful and can limit your daily activities to a great extent. In some cases, the problem can be easily treated by topical medicine and ointments as well as physiotherapy. In chronic cases however the patient needs to undergo joint replacement surgery. Dr. Aashish Chaudhry is one of the most reputed and trusted names when it comes to joint replacement surgery in Delhi.

Although joint replacement surgery has successfully helped to treat many patients, just like any other medical procedure it too has certain risks associated with it. On consulting the leading knee replacement surgeon in Delhi we came to know that before proceeding with the surgery the doctors have to make sure that the patient is eligible for it or else it can even pose a serious threat to the life of the patient. This same was backed up by the leading ankle, shoulder, elbow and hip replacement surgeons in Delhi.

The various risks associated with a joint replacement surgery include the following:

  • Joint replacement surgeries are performed under the influence of anaesthesia and a lot of patients are allergic to anaesthesia. This increases the risks of stroke, blood clot and pneumonia.
  • Another major risk associated with joint replacement surgery is clot formation. The blood clots usually develop in the veins and have a tendency to break free from the wall of the vein and travel along the blood channels. These clots can block the various blood channels leading to very serious complications including pulmonary embolism. This condition is also known as deep vein thrombosis (DVT).
  • Sometimes the graft can become loose and dislocated from its original position leading to chronic pain and discomfort. The patient may need to undergo a division surgery in order to treat the problem.
  • If the graft differs from the original joint in its size, it can lead to a difference in the lengths of the legs. The problem can be easily treated with the help of a shoe insert.
  • After the surgery, the patient may feel chronic stiffness in the affected knee. While in most of the patient's the normal functioning of the knee is restored, there are still many who cannot bend the affected knee properly. Although physiotherapy can prove to be very helpful in such cases by increasing the mobility of the knees, it might take up to some time and in some cases, the flexibility of the affected joint will be reduced permanently.
  • The material used for making the prosthetic joint can trigger allergic reactions in certain patients. This is usually marked by itching and inflammation accompanied by chronic pain. In such cases, the prosthetic joint has to be removed immediately.
  • Sometimes if the doctor is not careful, the surrounding tissues and joints can get damaged during the surgery leading to more complications
Some patients opting for sports injury treatment in Delhi complained there their performance in the field was highly affected after the surgery. This is quite natural as joint injuries can be traumatic and it may take up to months to heal properly. It is highly recommended to visit a specialist and get yourself treated from the best hospital to avoid any such complication.

If you are suffering from a joint problem of any kind, immediately consult an orthopaedic specialist. The doctor might suggest certain tests and screenings which include X-Ray and arthroscopy to determine the root cause of the problem and suggest a treatment procedure accordingly. Surgery is usually the last resort when all other treatments fail to work.

You went after the surgery the patient needs to strictly abide by all the guidelines set by the doctor which include complete bed rest and abstaining from all kind of rigorous physical activities that may put unnecessary strain on the affected joint. Physiotherapy may be started within 3 to 4 days after the surgery.

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

How to use your shoulder after shoulder replacement surgery?

shoulder joint replacement surgery aakash healthcareIf your shoulder joint gets seriously damaged due to a disease or injury suffered in an accident, you might need to get it replaced by the help of a shoulder joint replacement surgery and you should know that your shoulder is not going to be the same after such surgery. You will have to get used to the artificial fixtures after the surgery as the surgery involves the replacement of the damaged joints by artificially created parts called grafts. The parts may include a stem made of metal and a metal ball that fits on the top of the stem and a plastic piece may be used as the new surface of the shoulder blade. Shoulder replacement surgery cost, as well as arthroscopic shoulder surgery cost, is quite affordable in India as compared to other countries in the world that is why so many NRIs prefer to get the surgery done here.

You will need to wear a sling for at least first 6 weeks after shoulder replacement surgery and this is done to provide extra support or protection to the arm and shoulder. You can continue using the sling even after this time period even after this period. You may need to wear a shoulder immobilizer to keep the joint in place as well. You should rest your shoulder and elbow on a rolled up towel or small pillow when lying down as this will help in preventing damage to your shoulder which can be possibly caused by the stretching of the muscles or tendons and you will need to keep doing this for 6 to 8 weeks after your surgery, even when wearing a sling. Wear the sling all the time unless your surgeon asks you to remove it. You should use the support of your good arm to move the arm that has undergone the surgery and move it only as much as your shoulder replacement doctors have asked you to. After 4 to 6 weeks of the surgery, your surgeon or physical therapist will show you other exercises to stretch your shoulder and gain more movement in your joint.

Your surgeon or physical therapist may teach you pendulum exercises to do at home for 4 to 6 weeks which will help your shoulder to gain strength and help you get acquainted with the new parts. To do these exercises you can lean over and support your weight with your good arm on a counter or table, hang your arm, that has been operated upon, down or very carefully and slowly swing your loose arm round and round in circles. Your surgeon or physical therapist will also teach you safe ways to move your arm and shoulder so that you do not over-exert your shoulder joints. You should not try to lift or move your shoulder without supporting it with your good arm or having someone else supporting it and your surgeon or therapist will tell you when it is okay to lift or move your shoulder without this support.

These exercises and movements may be hard in the beginning and may put a lot of strain on your shoulder but they will get easier over time and it is very important to do these as your surgeon or therapist showed you as doing these exercises will help your shoulder get better faster and they will also help you be more active after you recover.

You should try to avoid certain activities and movements like using your shoulder a lot, lifting objects heavier than a cup of coffee, supporting your body weight on the operated arm, making sudden jerking movements. Your surgeon or physical therapist will tell you which sports and other activities are okay for you after your recovery. You will probably not be able to drive for at least 4 to 6 weeks after the surgery as you might need to take narcotics during this period.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

What is the alternative treatment for Knee pain?

When we talk about bone and joint problems related to the knees, the first thing that comes to our mind is a knee replacement surgery. A knee replacement surgery is a medical procedure of helping patients suffering from chronic knee pain. Damaged joints are one of the root cause of knee pain nowadays. This is very common in old age and can be a result of prevailing medical conditions like arthritis and osteoarthritis. Knee injuries sustained in an accident may also be responsible for causing severe damage to the knee joint which ultimately leads to knee pain. You can find some of the best doctors for knee replacement in the leading joint replacement surgery hospital in Delhi

Patients from different parts of the world travel to India to undergo knee replacement surgery in Delhi as the services provided here are very cheap and effective effectively. As per the doctors, known for the best knee replacement in Delhi, knee replacement surgery should be the last resort of the patient and not the first choice.

All the knee replacement surgery is one of the best medical techniques to treat knee pain but it is only considered if all other treatment procedures fail to work. Usually, doctors initiate the treatment with therapies, oral medication, and ointments which help to reduce the swelling and inflammation and also relieve the pain. The therapies help to release the strain from the joints and the muscles and help to increase the mobility of affected area. There are also certain injections that can be directly injected in the knee to give instant pain relief.

Obesity is considered to be a leading factor responsible for knee pain as your knees have to bear the weight of a body. This leads to excessive wearing and tearing of the joints. Hence weight loss is one of the best remedies to reduce knee pain. This can be done by keeping a check on your calorie intake, exercising, giving up a stagnant lifestyle by getting indulged in more and more physical activities. Older people can go out for morning and evening walks or perform mild exercises and yoga.
Use of pain relievers and topical creams with the numbing agent lidocaine or bupivacaine may also help to keep your knee pain under control. Steroid injections may also be recommended by your doctor in case of chronic pain. However, these do have certain side effects which include temporary increased pain, whitening of the skin, allergies, and infections.

Acupuncture, an ancient Chinese technique of pricking the affected area using needles to release the energy to fight the pain, is also widely used to treat knee pain and has been found highly effective in certain cases.

Othe techniques involve prolotherapy, regeneration of tissues with the help of stem cells, plasma rich protein treatment and osteotomy. 

What is the difference between Bone Fusion and Joint Replacement?

Both bone fusion and joint replacement surgery are medical procedures which aim at treating Bone on bone pain. Both techniques are very different from each other but aim at achieving the same result. Our joints and bones can get severely damaged a number of reasons which include vigorous wear and tear, sports injury and accident. What are the greatest enemy of our bones and joints is arthritis. The problem is very common in old age but can affect younger people as well. Bone and joint problems can be very painful and can severely affect the mobility of your limbs. 
The increasing number of people opting for joint replacement surgery in Delhi clearly indicates that the problem is becoming very common nowadays. Joint replacement surgeons in Delhi aim at providing the best possible treatment to the patients at considerably lower rates. The best joint replacement surgery hospital in India has attracted the attention of many foreign patients as well as the services provided are cheaper than other countries and at par with International standard.  Both the procedures are available at all the leading Orthopaedics & Joint Replacement hospitals.

Bone Fusion is a comparatively older procedure which involves the use of pins, screws, plates and bone grafts to permanently joint the two bones. As the bones are permanently joined together, there are slight chances that the patient might limp after the surgery. Joint replacement, on the other hand, is a newer method that involves the use of special grafts made of steel, ceramics or plastic. These grafts are shaped just like the original giants by highly specialised experts in such a way that the can perfectly replace the damaged joint. The graft performs the same function as the original joint and does not limit the mobility of the affected area as in the case of Bone Fusion.
As far as the durability is concerned, ankle replacement is not as durable as bone fusion and there are chances that the patient might require another surgery after some time. However, doctors are coming up with newer designs that might last longer than usual. The greatest advantage of bone fusion is that it will last a lifetime. The patient can get the surgery done and remain tension free for the rest of his life.

Both bone fusion and joint replacement have there own benefits and risks, however the former usually outnumber the later. It is very important to get your surgery done from a reputed hospital to ensure minimal complications. The doctors may prescribe certain test and screenings to determine which surgery would suit you the best and only then proceed any further. Both surgeries are to be followed up by physiotherapy to help the patient cope up with the trauma and increase the mobility of the affected limb. 

Monday, October 8, 2018

What is Arthroscopy? How does it help in the treatment of painful joints?

Arthroscopy is a medical procedure used by surgeons to examine the joints for the detection, assessment, and treatment of various joint related problems. The term arthroscopy literally means "to look within the join". We all know the importance of healthy joints in our life. Our joints are responsible for the free movement of various body parts and if these get affected the can severely affect the mobility of our limbs and various other body parts. Our joints can get affected by a number of problems that can easily congenital, hereditary or acquired later in life. As per the best Orthopaedic doctor in Delhi, proper assessment and treatment of such problems are very important for living in normal life and not becoming dependent upon others. Aakash Hospital is one of the best arthroscopy hospitals in India that provides all sorts of joint-related treatments. The hospital staff consists of some of the leading orthopaedic doctors in Delhi. So if you are looking for the best joint replacement surgery hospital in India, Aakash hospital is your ultimate destination.

Joint related problems have become very common nowadays due to a large number of reasons, but the most prominent of these still remains old age. As we tend to grow our body starts losing its strength and so do our bones and joints. Problems like Arthritis and osteoarthritis which drastically affect the joints are very common in old age. This may also be caused by rigorous activities that put a lot of strain on your joints or due to injuries sustained in an accident. It is impossible to lead a normal life if our joints are not in a healthy condition. It is seen that people suffering from Arthritis face a lot of difficulties in performing their day to day activities and if the problem is left untreated they may even lose the ability to move their limbs permanently. Joint related problems can be extremely painful and cause a lot of discomfort. You might even be restricted to a wheelchair or require the help of crutches in order to move from one place to another. Hence timely screening and assessment of joint problems are extremely important to treat the problem in the initial stages and save the limbs of the patient. One of the best techniques to do so is arthroscopy.

Arthroscopy is a result of new scientific advancements in the field of medicine that has led to the evolution of minimally invasive procedures which not only give very accurate and precise results but also help to save time due to the shorter recovery period. The process is done by making a very small incision on the skin of the affected area. A small, pencil-shaped equipment, which is fitted with a lens is inserted via this incision. This pencil shaped equipment has a lighting system as well, which helps to illuminate the area so that the doctors can have a clear view of the affected joint. The equipment is attached to a small television screen on which it transmits clear pictures of the affected joint and the adjoining areas. This makes it easier for the surgeon to view the inside of the joints assess the proper medical protocol to be undertaken.

Arthroscopy is a very useful technique as it helps the surgeon to determine the adversity of the problem as well as the total area affected by it. This also helps in the making of artificial grafts as the doctors can precisely determine the shape and size of the affected joint and whether the patient needs total or partial replacement. This procedure has been opted by all the leading surgeons of India to treat a patient suffering from chronic joint problems as well as to determine the traces of any such problems in the initial stages. Since the problem is detected in earlier stages it makes it possible to avoid unnecessary pain and discomfort which are usually associated with joint related problems. Arthroscopy has helped to treat millions of patients worldwide and is one of the most commonly opted procedures in the field of Orthopedics.

If the problem is detected earlier it not only helps in the complete treatment but also helps the patient to determine what kind of lifestyle he needs to follow in order to ensure that he does not face such problems in future. Timely assessment can eradicate the need for a surgery and may also help to reverse the damage caused to the joints.
Arthroscopy is one of the best screening procedures recommended by all the leading surgeons and orthopaedic specialist before going for any medical treatment.

Apart from the medical detection and treatment of the problem, the patient himself needs to follow certain guidelines to avoid such problems in the future. A healthy, calcium-rich diet is extremely important for bone and joint strength. If you have suffered an injury in the joint seek immediate medical attention. Joint related problems can be used detected by various symptoms like swelling, inflammation, pain etc. If you experience any of these, consult an orthopaedic as soon as possible. Avoid rigorous activities and go for yoga and mild exercises instead.