Wednesday, December 5, 2018

How to use your shoulder after shoulder replacement surgery?

shoulder joint replacement surgery aakash healthcareIf your shoulder joint gets seriously damaged due to a disease or injury suffered in an accident, you might need to get it replaced by the help of a shoulder joint replacement surgery and you should know that your shoulder is not going to be the same after such surgery. You will have to get used to the artificial fixtures after the surgery as the surgery involves the replacement of the damaged joints by artificially created parts called grafts. The parts may include a stem made of metal and a metal ball that fits on the top of the stem and a plastic piece may be used as the new surface of the shoulder blade. Shoulder replacement surgery cost, as well as arthroscopic shoulder surgery cost, is quite affordable in India as compared to other countries in the world that is why so many NRIs prefer to get the surgery done here.

You will need to wear a sling for at least first 6 weeks after shoulder replacement surgery and this is done to provide extra support or protection to the arm and shoulder. You can continue using the sling even after this time period even after this period. You may need to wear a shoulder immobilizer to keep the joint in place as well. You should rest your shoulder and elbow on a rolled up towel or small pillow when lying down as this will help in preventing damage to your shoulder which can be possibly caused by the stretching of the muscles or tendons and you will need to keep doing this for 6 to 8 weeks after your surgery, even when wearing a sling. Wear the sling all the time unless your surgeon asks you to remove it. You should use the support of your good arm to move the arm that has undergone the surgery and move it only as much as your shoulder replacement doctors have asked you to. After 4 to 6 weeks of the surgery, your surgeon or physical therapist will show you other exercises to stretch your shoulder and gain more movement in your joint.

Your surgeon or physical therapist may teach you pendulum exercises to do at home for 4 to 6 weeks which will help your shoulder to gain strength and help you get acquainted with the new parts. To do these exercises you can lean over and support your weight with your good arm on a counter or table, hang your arm, that has been operated upon, down or very carefully and slowly swing your loose arm round and round in circles. Your surgeon or physical therapist will also teach you safe ways to move your arm and shoulder so that you do not over-exert your shoulder joints. You should not try to lift or move your shoulder without supporting it with your good arm or having someone else supporting it and your surgeon or therapist will tell you when it is okay to lift or move your shoulder without this support.

These exercises and movements may be hard in the beginning and may put a lot of strain on your shoulder but they will get easier over time and it is very important to do these as your surgeon or therapist showed you as doing these exercises will help your shoulder get better faster and they will also help you be more active after you recover.

You should try to avoid certain activities and movements like using your shoulder a lot, lifting objects heavier than a cup of coffee, supporting your body weight on the operated arm, making sudden jerking movements. Your surgeon or physical therapist will tell you which sports and other activities are okay for you after your recovery. You will probably not be able to drive for at least 4 to 6 weeks after the surgery as you might need to take narcotics during this period.


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