Monday, December 3, 2018

How to get rid of pigmentation?

We all want to a have a clear and flawless skin but there are many skin problems that might drastically impact our skin and we might need medical assistance to get rid of these. Some of these common skin issues include fine lines, wrinkles, acne, blemishes and pimples. Pigmentation refers to dark spots or patches on the surface of the skin that are a result of the accumulation of pigment, melanin, at several spots due to exposure to the sun. These spots and patches are usually found on the forehead and cheeks. Pigmentation can affect anyone irrespective of the person's skin colour. Mild pigmentation can be treated by the use of certain medicated ointments but in case of chronic pigmentation, surgical intervention might be required. The treatment for pigmentation is offered by the best plastic surgery hospital in Delhi. 

The use of new and highly advanced machines and equipment has helped to take cosmetic surgery in Delhi to new heights. You can find one of the best cosmetic surgeons in Delhi who has successfully helped many patients to get rid of pigmentation. The best plastic surgeon in Delhi offers a wide range of treatment procedures for patients suffering from pigmentation.

Some of the most common surgical procedures include the following: 

Microdermabrasion - The procedure is used for mild pigmentation and involves the removal of the topmost layer of the skin to get rid of the sunspots and other types of minimal and superficial discolouration. Microdermabrasion also involves procedures like Derma Sweep in which anti-pigment agents are infused into the skin to further lighten the spots. 

Chemical peel - The procedure involves the use of mild chemicals like salicylic acid, glycolic acid and TCA. The effects of the treatment become evident within no time and are highly effective for deeper pigmentation. The procedure can be altered depending upon the type of skin. All the chemical peel is a highly effective method of removing pigmentation, it is not suitable for every person, especially for those who have an earlier history of scarring. Such patients should discuss their problem with the dermatologist and consider other options. 

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) - Intense pulsed light is one of the best methods for treating sun-induced pigmentation. The procedure involves the use of intense beams of light to target the blood vessels in the area of skin affected with pigmentation. The affected areas become dark and flake out within a few days. Sometimes doctors also perform intense pulsed light treatment after one or two sessions of laser treatment in order to give better results. 

Fractional Laser Resurfacing - fractional laser resurfacing is one of the most intense procedures available for pigmentation removal and is highly effective for stubborn pigments. The procedure is carried out by inducing micro injuries on the skin with the sole aim of stimulating the skin's healing process. As new skin comes to the surface, pigmentation is naturally diminished.


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