Best Diet Tips to Stay on Track
Drink plenty of water or other calorie , Try drinking flavored sparkling water or brewing a cup of fruit-infused herbal tea.
Get active and be a healthy weight
Eating a healthy, balanced diet plays an essential role in maintaining a healthy weight, which is an important part of overall good health.
Don't skip breakfast
Some people skip breakfast because they think it will help them lose weight. In fact, research shows that people who regularly eat breakfast are less likely to be overweight.
Showing posts with label total knee replacement. Show all posts
Showing posts with label total knee replacement. Show all posts
Wednesday, April 3, 2019
Not all food items are good for joints; Avoid these food items in case of knee pain
By Healthcare at April 03, 2019
Arthritis, knee replacement specialists, Knee replacement surgery, orthopedic doctors, orthopedic hospital, orthopedic surgeon in delhi, total knee replacement
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Joint problems of various types
have become quite widespread nowadays and this has given rise to the need for
spreading awareness about the same. Arthritis, especially osteoarthritis, is
one of the greatest enemies of your joints. The condition is marked by chronic
joint disintegration which ultimately leads to unbearable pain, inflammation
and swelling. Knee arthritis is one of the most common forms of arthritis.
Undergoing Knee replacement surgery in Delhi is definitely a better option
as the doctors here are highly skilled and efficient and the services offered
by them are at par with International standards.
According to Dr. Sourabh Shah, one of
the leading knee replacement specialists in India, arthritis can be easily kept
under control by following a healthy routine. Our diet also plays a major role
in this. There are certain food products that are highly recommended for
improving the health of your joints and certain food products that are strictly
As per the doctors hailing from
the best partial and total knee replacement surgery hospital in Delhi, these food products that are to be strictly avoided if you are
experiencing any kind of joint-related problems, especially those related to
the knees.
Sugar - higher sugar intake is responsible for
a variety of health issues. It can trigger the production of certain cells that
can lead to joint inflammation. Various other food products, especially those
rich in carbohydrates, may have the same effect. Apart from causing
inflammation, higher sugar intake can also lead to obesity which again is not
good for your joints.
Salt - excessive consumption of salt can aggravate osteoarthritis
by compelling the cells to attract water. It can also increase the swelling
caused by osteoarthritis, eventually leading to unbearable pain.
Trans fats and saturated fats - these also have a tendency of
triggering inflammation and are mostly found in processed and baked food
MSG - also known as monosodium glutamate, it is an ingredient
widely used in oriental foods and sauces. This can affect your bone density and
also lead to other chronic ailments.
Omega - 6 fatty acids- unlike Omega-3 which is very beneficial for
people with arthritis, omega-6 fatty acids can trigger and increase the
production of certain inflammatory chemicals. It is usually present in corn and
sunflower oil.
Alcohol - people with chronic joint pain are often recommended to
take certain drugs for easing the pain. Alcohol can react with these drugs and
lead to drastic side effects.
Carbohydrates and fats - it is definitely not possible to
completely eliminate these from your diet but you can limit the consumption of
carbs replace unhealthy fats with healthy ones. This is very important as carbs
and fats can lead to obesity and studies have shown that obese people are much
more prone to problems like arthritis and osteoarthritis.
In case you have any doubts
related to your diet, you can easily consult a dietician for a specialised diet
plan. It might seem a bit difficult to adapt to these changes at first but
gradually you'll get used to these.
Also, regular joint checkups are
a must and you should definitely opt for these to keep a track of the progress
of the disease.
Doctors usually recommend omega 3
fatty acids, healthy fats, antioxidants, oleocanthal, turmeric, vitamin A, C
and K, sulforaphane, glucosinate and food products rich in calcium to patients
suffering from any kind of bone and joint problem as this help to strengthen
our bones and joints and also help with the inflammation. You can even opt for
Hence it should be kept in mind
that not all food products are good for your joints and it is extremely
important to educate yourself about the various side effects of these so that
you can not only help yourself but also your loved ones.
Wednesday, August 8, 2018
Did you know this about your knees?
Everything we do with our legs needs our knees. Their movement allows the leg to turn, twist and set straight which we generally require for standing, walking, jumping and turning. We all know how important part the knees are. But we might miss out on some crucial part and its role in our whole body. Some fact that will make you think are:
Babies are born with no kneecaps: When the babies are born, there is no kneecap. However, they have the shield of soft cartilage that is yet not transformed into hard strong bones.
The knee connects two bones. Tendons connect the knee bones to the leg muscles that are helpful in moving the knee joint. Ligaments join the knee bones and provide flexibility to the knee. The knee joint permits the leg to do activities like kicking, jumping, running and hopping. The best surgeons specializing in Orthopaedic joint reconstruction, use minimally invasive approach and provide efficient and quality care with least possible pain and faster recovery time.
Knees require resistance training: Resistance training through a full and correct range of motion is essential to maintain healthy knees. Weight-bearing exercises can help promoting joint steadiness and add more strength to it.
Wrong sized shoes can be disastrous: One of the major cause of knee pain stems from wrong sized shoes or footwear. Wearing wrong shoes cause unnecessary stress on ligament, cartilage and knee cap resulting in early erosion of knee bones.
Knees call for support from hip and inner thigh muscles. If the muscles in this particular region are weak, the pressure of walking falls directly on the knees, causing you extreme pain in the knee. So, it is better to follow a workout routine that makes the hip adductor muscles stronger.
Squats are good for Knees: Your knees thank you when you bend forward in a sit on your heels or squat position. But stretching them beyond 90 degrees could be disastrous. Do not stretch it too far else your knees can hurt. It is very essential to know the right way to do the squats; else it might turn out to be worse.
Joint reconstruction surgery involves elimination of the injured portion of the joint and replacing it with an artificial joint. In current scenario, joint prostheses are designed to fit and function just like your natural joint. Patient will finally be able to live without the knee joint pain.
The most complicated and biggest joint in human body: There are two joints, tibiofemoral joint and patellofemoral joint that take the heavy lift, carrying most of the weight and enabling the knee to bend and move. The knee obtains the strength and firmness from four bones - namely tibia (shin bone), patella (kneecap), femur (thigh bone) and fibula. On top of those, there are ligaments that fasten the bones together – ligaments act like flexible bands. There are 5 chief ligaments that keep the knee securely in place and allow it to move around appropriately.
Joint Stiffness due to ligament pull: Some people experience increasing rigidity after surgery. Usually patients get relief with mild exercise. Pain may prevent the patient from doing physiotherapy workout. Knee stiffness may be treated by the management of the joint under anaesthetic, followed by intensive physiotherapy.
Orthopaedic joint reconstruction or total knee replacement is basically a surgical process whereby the unhealthy knee joint is replaced with artificial component. During a
total knee replacement surgery in delhi |
and knee replacement specialist in India will remove and replace the ailing knee with a new and improved one.
Wednesday, July 18, 2018
Major Signs Knee gives for Knee Replacement Surgery
By Health Care Tips at July 18, 2018
best knee replacement surgeon in delhi, total knee replacement
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Sometimes we ignore the nagging pain in our joints thinking that exertion must have been the reason and keep on using pain killers and home remedies to reduce the pain. And sometimes it does not take long for a slight nagging pain to turn into a major one and you may already need to undergo knee replacement surgery even before you realize.
Life in Delhi
Of course, living in the capital city has its perks but also has it also has its drawbacks also. Delhi’s traffic jams are one major cause for a person to spend most of their time on road, driving car, scooter, bike or travelling in public transport carrying their bags on the shoulder. The stress of work and fast lifestyle do not give time to rest or have the proper diet. Even for elderlies, lack of public parks and fresh air confine them to their homes resulting in less activity. These factors are a major cause of various health issues like Back pain, knee pain, spine related and other joint related issues. Thanks to advanced technology and availability of super speciality hospitals that knee replacement surgery in Delhi is quite accessible. All you need to do is look out for the best knee replacement surgeon in Delhi.
Don’t wait
Waiting or ignoring the pain will make things only worse. Old age not only brings joint related issues but also bring other health problems which get severe with age. Before, issues like high BP, sugar or heart becomes a hindrance in your surgery, you must get the knee replacement surgery done to get rid of the pain and get back to your normal routine. These days, knee replacement surgery in Delhi is done with minimally invasive techniques, which also helps a patient in getting better early.
The first step is to get yourself diagnosed by a qualified orthopaedic surgeon. After the consultation and physical examination, the surgeon will perform a thorough examination of your knee after certain tests like:
· X-rays
· Physical tests
· Knee joints will be tested for strength
· Range of motion tests through a series of activities
Signs that it might be time for a knee replacement:
· The pain is persistent
· After physical activities like exercising or running you experience knee pain
· It becomes difficult for you to walk or stand for long
· Pain killers and sticks not making any difference in the pain
· The knee stiffens when you sit for longer
· Change in weather aggravates knee pain
· Sometimes the pain is so severe that you can’t sleep well
· You cannot bend the knee as flexibly as earlier
· There is swelling in the knee
· Climbing stairs seems like a gigantic task
· Getting up from a chair also becomes a task
· Morning stiffness becomes unmanageable
Tuesday, July 17, 2018
Is knee pain related to Cancer?
By Health Care Tips at July 17, 2018
orthopaedics Hospitals in Delhi, total knee replacement
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When we hear about knee or joint pain, we usually associate it with Arthritis or osteoarthritis but the fact, as explained by the best Orthopaedic surgeon for knee replacement in Delhi, is that the problem can be much worse and even be a symptom of bone cancer. We often take bone and joint pain for granted but studies have shown that there have been numerous cases of total knee replacement surgery, especially those of total knee replacement surgery in Delhi in which the the patients were not aware of having been suffering from bone cancer as the symptoms are quite similar to those of arthritis. The symptoms include swelling, excess pain, discomfort and limping.
Knee pain and cancer although seem to be two different problems what is a very close connection between the two. One of the most common symptom of bone cancer is pain which keeps on increasing which time and becomes unbearable at a point. The patient is not able to move without support. Most of the cases of bone cancer as per the best Orthopaedic surgeon for knee replacement, are secondary, which means that they have spread to the bones from other body parts. Secondary bone cancer is quite common, on the other hand, primary bone cancer is very rare.
A person suffering from bone cancer may show certain symptoms which are a measure of concern. However reports derived from examinations conducted during total knee replacement surgery in Delhi show that sometimes the symptoms may occur due to some other reason and may not necessarily mean that the person suffers from bone cancer.
Bone cancer is often accompanied by excess pain in the joints and bones especially in the knees. This happens because due to the tumor formation there is an excess pressure on the affected bone. The tumor may however be malignant or non malignant. Pain is the most common symptom of bone cancer and it may be mild in the beginning and gradually increase with time becoming unbearable to the point that the patient is barely able to move.
Pain is often accompanied or followed by swelling due to the formation of tumor. The affected area becomes very sore and a slight touch or movement can cause extreme pain and discomfort. The joints of the person become very stiff and its movement becomes localised.
At the final stage bone cancer may lead to limping. This happens when the tumor formed becomes enlarged and exerts extreme pressure on the bones leading to bone fracture. Hence it becomes difficult for the patient to move properly and he starts limping.
Apart from these specific symptoms the patient mind human develop general symptoms of Cancer such as anaemia, weight loss and fluctuation of body temperature.
It can be noticed that the symptoms are very common. The symptoms can also be felt when you sprain your leg or due to any other injury. Hence it is very important to seek medical supervision if you feel any of the following symptoms as they may prove to be fatal in future.
Bone cancer commonly known as osteosarcoma is very rare in adults but quite predominant in children and teenagers. The cancer spread from the bones are the organs of the body starting majorly from the lungs. It is hence very important to not take knee joint pain lightly and bring it under medical supervision as soon as possible. The treatment involves surgical procedures along with chemotherapy and radiation. The patient might also need to undergo physiotherapy to help him walk properly without a limp. Apart from these complete bed rest and hygienic environment are also very crucial for speeding up the process of recovery.
Monday, July 9, 2018
How to Keep your Knees Healthy?
By Health Care Tips at July 09, 2018
Knee replacement hospitals in India, Knee replacement specialist in India, total knee replacement
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Our knees play a very important role in our movement. just like the fingerprints of different persons vary so do there knees. The importance of the knees can be deduced from the fact that if there is any problem with our knees it directly affects our mobility as it bears the weight of the body and help in carrying activities like running, jumping etc. Nowadays we solely depend upon Technology for various purposes. And healthy Lifestyle has also been a major cause of growing knee problems. Reports by an orthopedics and joint replacement Hospital in Delhi as shown that obese people are more prone to develop knee and joint problems in old age. If not read it properly its light problem in the knee can lead to immobility and the person may become dependent on others, for his day to day activities, for the rest of his life. This not only physically disable a person but also leaves a very negative impact on his mind. Problems related to knees and joints are very common in older people as the bones continue to grow weaker over time.
Studies show that total knee replacement surgery is one of the most widely performed surgeries. Although such surgeries are very helpful in treating knee related problems but in some cases, such operations do not prove out to be successful because of the lack of proper care by the patients. Studies by an orthopaedics and joint replacement Hospital show that there are many patients who do not take proper care and follow the routine prescribed by the doctor and this minimizes the success rate of the surgery.
Any problems can be easily avoided by following a Healthy lifestyle and taking out time for exercising daily so that your bones remain strong. As already discussed obese people are more prone to develop Arthritis and other knee related problems. If you have suffered an injury on your knee or the area around it might increase your vulnerability to develop knee related problems. Walking is one of the best exercises to avoid Arthritis and other knee related. It not only opens you join but also increases your immunity and strengthens your bones. It also helps to fight obesity hence bringing down the chances of developing knee related problems in the future. No matter what the age of the person is an exercise is the best option and its benefits are known to all. Apart from this, you can also try stretching and yoga as these are also very beneficial but they need to be performed under export supervision or else you might hurt yourself.
Children, as well as adults, should take a balanced diet with the proper amount of calcium. Children, as well as adults, should take milk as it contains calcium which helps in strengthening the bones. Women especially should take extra care as they are more prone to develop arthritis. After the age of 40 when women reach menopause estrogen levels in their body decrease. Estrogen places a very important role in strengthening the bones and once its level starts decreasing you become more prone to bone and joint related problems. Calcium supplements that are available in the market should also be considered but only under the supervision of a medical expert.
Friday, June 22, 2018
Knee replacement surgery complications
Usually knee joint operations are
trouble-free but around 1 in every 20 person might have to face some or the
other complications during or post surgery. The risk of complications depends
on various factors including age and general health of the patient. In most
cases, a younger patient with no other medical problems is comparatively at a
lower risk of developing any complications after total knee replacement surgery. Some of the risk factors and Knee
replacement surgery complications might be:
Blood clots or lump: During or
post surgery, often blood clots or lump takes place in the leg deep in veins
which can further cause swelling or pain. This normally happens due to the
changes in the blood flow.
Some Drugs: After surgery, your
physician might prescribe you some medication and drugs. Some of them might be
blood thinning drugs which carry the risk of bleeding.
Pulmonary embolism: Though this is
not observed in a large number, but few patients do face this post surgery
which happens by forming small blood clots which reach the lungs and further
lead to breathlessness and chest pain. In it extremity, Pulmonary embolism can
be life risking.
Infection: This is common problems
with all the surgeries which occur with 1 person in 50 cases. To prevent the
wound from infection, proper medication and drugs prescribed by the doctor
should be taken in timely manner.
Damage in the Nerve or tissue: In
a very smaller number of cases, the arteries, ligaments or nerves can be
damaged during the surgery. According to the data, about 1 in 1,000 patients
endure damage to arteries that more often than not needs further surgery to
Bone rupture: During a surgery,
sometimes the bone around the replacement joint can sometimes break. This is an
exceptional case but when it comes about, further surgery is usually required
to repair the fracture or replace the joint.
Bone displacement: When a knee
replacement surgery takes place, there is a small risk of dislocation of the
knee, and this would call for further surgery.
Bleeding: This happens when blood
collects in a wound. It is normal to have a small amount of blood loss during
and after any surgery. Normally, it stops within a couple of days. But
sometimes, blood may accumulate under the skin leading to pain and swelling.
Pain: In all the surgeries,
patient will generally feel pain which slowly and gradually subsides with time.
This complication is known as complex regional pain syndrome. There are some
pain clinics that can help with this in case of a total knee arthroplasty in
Stiffness in joints: Some people
experience increasing rigidity after surgery. Usually patients get relief with
mild exercise. Pain may prevent the patient from doing physiotherapy workout.
Occasionally knee stiffness may be treated by a manipulation of the joint under
anaesthetic, followed by intensive physiotherapy.
Breathing problems: Surgery
involving general anaesthesia can lead to breathing troubles with some
patients. Some people have trouble breathing right after surgery, especially if
they had general anaesthesia or chloroform to numb the area.
Aside from the above risks
associated with surgery, there are other potential complications:
In a Total knee replacement
surgery, a component can become loose or dislocate from its place or may get
The size of both the legs may
be somewhat different after surgery. Most people who have gone through total
knee replacement surgery can face this.
One can feel some stiffness
with the new knee. There could be difficult in bending the knee.
An allergic reaction to the
bone can arise.
Like any major surgery
involving general anaesthesia, there is a low risk of strokes, heart attacks,
pneumonia or blood clots.