Best Diet Tips to Stay on Track
Drink plenty of water or other calorie , Try drinking flavored sparkling water or brewing a cup of fruit-infused herbal tea.
Get active and be a healthy weight
Eating a healthy, balanced diet plays an essential role in maintaining a healthy weight, which is an important part of overall good health.
Don't skip breakfast
Some people skip breakfast because they think it will help them lose weight. In fact, research shows that people who regularly eat breakfast are less likely to be overweight.
Showing posts with label Knee replacement hospitals in India. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Knee replacement hospitals in India. Show all posts
Monday, July 9, 2018
How to Keep your Knees Healthy?
By Health Care Tips at July 09, 2018
Knee replacement hospitals in India, Knee replacement specialist in India, total knee replacement
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Our knees play a very important role in our movement. just like the fingerprints of different persons vary so do there knees. The importance of the knees can be deduced from the fact that if there is any problem with our knees it directly affects our mobility as it bears the weight of the body and help in carrying activities like running, jumping etc. Nowadays we solely depend upon Technology for various purposes. And healthy Lifestyle has also been a major cause of growing knee problems. Reports by an orthopedics and joint replacement Hospital in Delhi as shown that obese people are more prone to develop knee and joint problems in old age. If not read it properly its light problem in the knee can lead to immobility and the person may become dependent on others, for his day to day activities, for the rest of his life. This not only physically disable a person but also leaves a very negative impact on his mind. Problems related to knees and joints are very common in older people as the bones continue to grow weaker over time.
Studies show that total knee replacement surgery is one of the most widely performed surgeries. Although such surgeries are very helpful in treating knee related problems but in some cases, such operations do not prove out to be successful because of the lack of proper care by the patients. Studies by an orthopaedics and joint replacement Hospital show that there are many patients who do not take proper care and follow the routine prescribed by the doctor and this minimizes the success rate of the surgery.
Any problems can be easily avoided by following a Healthy lifestyle and taking out time for exercising daily so that your bones remain strong. As already discussed obese people are more prone to develop Arthritis and other knee related problems. If you have suffered an injury on your knee or the area around it might increase your vulnerability to develop knee related problems. Walking is one of the best exercises to avoid Arthritis and other knee related. It not only opens you join but also increases your immunity and strengthens your bones. It also helps to fight obesity hence bringing down the chances of developing knee related problems in the future. No matter what the age of the person is an exercise is the best option and its benefits are known to all. Apart from this, you can also try stretching and yoga as these are also very beneficial but they need to be performed under export supervision or else you might hurt yourself.
Children, as well as adults, should take a balanced diet with the proper amount of calcium. Children, as well as adults, should take milk as it contains calcium which helps in strengthening the bones. Women especially should take extra care as they are more prone to develop arthritis. After the age of 40 when women reach menopause estrogen levels in their body decrease. Estrogen places a very important role in strengthening the bones and once its level starts decreasing you become more prone to bone and joint related problems. Calcium supplements that are available in the market should also be considered but only under the supervision of a medical expert.
Friday, June 29, 2018
How to perform the procedure of joint replacement
Joint is considered as the connection between two different parts of the body. They are present in different parts and important for the movement of the body. The angles in which we are able to move the body is looked after by them only. All the physical activities are done with the help of joint only. It comes under musculoskeletal system. Any disease or condition related to the joints can cause problems in the movement. The branch of medicine which deals with conditions related to our musculoskeletal system is known as orthopedics. Some of the common joints which are affected are - knee, hip, shoulder etc.
There are different less invasive treatments given but if none of them works, then you should go ahead with surgery. Replacement of knee is one of the options. For the well being, it is important to consult the best knee replacement specialist in India.
If you see the statistics of past few years, then it can be easily seen that medical tourism for knee replacement has been on the rise. The quality provided here is excellent. Another important reason is cost. In India, you will get knee replacement at low prices. It is a surgical procedure in which the doctor removes the diseases joint and replaces it with the help of an artificial joint. The procedure involves removing the damaged part away and adding material made of metal alloys or high grade plastic, polymer etc.
Knee replacement surgery in India is required because of the following reasons –
· Pain is the most common reason. Even in any small condition, joint pain is the main reason why any treatment is needed. Surgery is recommended when even simplest of the daily functions are difficult to do.
· Osteoarthritis – this type of arthritis is related to age. There is wear and tear of the joints. It is usually seen in older people as there is tearing of the cartilage that cushions the bones of the knees.
· Rheumatoid arthritis is a type of arthritis in which the synovial membrane which surrounds the joint becomes inflamed and thickens. It is also known as inflammatory arthritis and leads to cartilage loss, pain and stiffness.
Knee replacement hospitals in India get patients who are there because of a serious knee injury. It can also be there because of fractures of bones that surround the knee.
Knee replacement doctors and surgeons prepare you weeks before the surgery. Certain medications may be stopped and you will be told not to eat the night before the surgery. In this procedure, general anesthesia is administered. You will not feel any pain and discomfort. To prevent post surgical infection, antibiotics will be given before. During the procedure, your knees will be bent so that all the surfaces of the joint are viewed. An incision of about 6 to 10 inches is made and the damaged surfaces are removed from the body. The surgeon then puts the artificial joint and closes the incisions.