Best Diet Tips to Stay on Track
Drink plenty of water or other calorie , Try drinking flavored sparkling water or brewing a cup of fruit-infused herbal tea.
Get active and be a healthy weight
Eating a healthy, balanced diet plays an essential role in maintaining a healthy weight, which is an important part of overall good health.
Don't skip breakfast
Some people skip breakfast because they think it will help them lose weight. In fact, research shows that people who regularly eat breakfast are less likely to be overweight.
Showing posts with label Tavi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tavi. Show all posts
Thursday, August 23, 2018
How risky for Heart bypass surgery?
Heart performs various significant functions that result in a proper normal functioning of the human body. Heart's work is immense since, it manages to deliver blood to every part of the body. Any obstruction or blockage to the course of blood can cause serious major problems that may turn out to be fatal if medical attention is not considered on time.
The widely appreciated institutions of Heart Bypass Surgery India state that blocking of coronary arteries can put excessive strain on hard to perform work which can exhaust the walls of the heart, leading to a slowed down pumping of blood which has its own manifestation and medical conditions which run opposite to the concept of heart health. Surprisingly, the condition for a heart bypass surgery originates because our day to day life schedules aid in building up the conditions of an unhealthy heart due to which usually, plaque settle down on the walls of coronary arteries making the blood flow narrower, explains the team of dynamically trained cardiologists from best Heart treatment hospital in Delhi.
Heart bypass surgery hospital of medically approved standards, they focus the entire procedure of heart bypass surgery around utmost precision to deliver the best results for the clients. Whenever looking for an option of heart bypass surgery, it is important to consider best Heart treatment hospital in Delhi because they offer word class facilities with a dynamically trained team of professional surgeons who have been working in these cases for a very long time and have showcased successful results.
The field of Heart Bypass Surgery India is usually chosen by patients from all over the world because the institutions of heart bypass surgery in India offer facilities which are equipped with high end precision instruments, the involvement of modern technology enhances the chances of successful results and the risks of failure are considerably decreased.
Monday, July 23, 2018
TAVR: What are the risks involved?
By Health Care Tips at July 23, 2018
Tavi, tavi cardiac surgery, TAVR Valve Replacement in Delhi
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TAVR Valve Replacement in Delhi is one of the most trusted methods for treating damaged aortic valve. Aortic valve is one of the most important part of the human heart. The human heart functions 24 hours a day and sends oxygenated blood to different organs of the body. Also, the deoxygenated blood from various organs is sent back to the heart for purification. The aortic valve is it narrow hollow tube-like structure that acts as a pathway for the free flow of blood and even helps to store the blood before it is sent to the various organs of the human body. The aortic valve also prevents the backward flow of blood. However, the valve might get blocked due to the excess accumulation of impurities like calcium and cholesterol on the interior lining of the valve. Apart from these the valve might also lose its elasticity and become tight. Such condition is commonly known as aortic stenosis in the medical world. Aortic stenosis can prove to be very fatal as it prevents the free flow of blood from the heart to different body parts. This in turn leads to decreasing in the level of oxygen in the body and cause serious health problems, and even death.
Although TAVR Valve Replacement Surgery is one of the most common type of valve replacement surgeries and has a considerably high success rate but it is not necessarily always a success. People suffering from obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol levels are more vulnerable to develop aortic stenosis. Especially in the case of diabetes patients, the problem becomes very chronic and life-threatening. This is because in the case of sugar patients there is an excessive accumulation of calcium on the walls of the valve. Sugar also leads to inflammation of the valve.
Reports and studies conducted by one of the well-known hospitals for TAVR Valve Replacement Surgery is very risky in case of people having high blood sugar levels. The surgery does not completely eradicate the problem and it's me reoccur after some time. In case of diabetes patients, the success rate is very minimal as compared to normal patients.
Apart from these problems the patient might also suffer from valve leaks. This usually happens when the artificial valve used to replace the damaged valve does not fit perfectly and is smaller in size as compared to the former valve. This leads to the leakage of blood. However, researches are going on to eradicate this problem with the use of technologically advanced equipment.
The surgery can lead a very bad impact on your heart by exerting excessive pressure on the hearts electrical system and you might need to use a pacemaker to restore the normal functioning of your heart. The chemicals used for contrasting may have an adverse affect on your kidneys, however, in most cases, the problem is easily curable. Sometime the blood vessels through which the sheath and catheter is passed might get severely damaged and need to be treated. There have also been cases where the patient has experienced a stroke during the surgery or a few days after it.
Thursday, July 19, 2018
What are the complication one can face after TAVI Surgery?
By Health Care Tips at July 19, 2018
Tavi, tavi cardiac surgery, transaortic valve implantation
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Heart is one of the most important organs of the human body which performs the job of pumping blood to different organs of the body. Our heart functions 24 hours a day without any break and helps in the oxygenation of the deoxygenated blood coming from different organs of the body which is the sent back to the different organs body via the arteries. Human heart is four chambered and between these Chambers passes a valve. The valve in a very important part of a heart as it prevents the backward flow of blood. Sometimes the valve can get damaged and lead to severe problems in the heart by disrupting the flow of blood. Report shown by a tavi cardiac surgery hospital in Delhi show that most of the patients admitted for transaortic valve implantation in Delhi are majorly elderly people. Apart old age there might be some other factors responsible for damaging the valve such as calcium deposits inside the valve, rheumatic fever, endocarditis etc.
One of the best surgeons for transaortic valve implantation in Delhi enlisted the following symptoms for heart valve diseases:
Unstable Heartbeat accompanied with palpitations.
Difficulty while breathing shortness of breath.
Excessive weakness and fatigue.
Swelling and stiffness in certain body parts like ankles and feet.
Transaortic valve implantation is less invasive as compared to other heart surgeries.
There are certain tests and procedures that you need to undergo before opting for transaortic valve implantation to make sure you are an eligible candidate. Once these are done and the doctor gives you the green signal, you'll be given the date for getting admitted into the hospital. Before the procedure you will be given anaesthesia to induce unconsciousness. In case of transaortic valve implantation surgery, the damaged valve doesn't need to be removed. Instead a new prosthetic valve is inserted with the help of a hollow catheter and balloon.
Although the surgery has proved to be quiet beneficial in many cases but it also has its setbacks. Surgeons in the best tavi cardiac surgery hospital in Delhi are quite aware of the fact that the surgery might not always prove out to be a success and hence inform the patients about all the risks and benefits.
During the surgery the patient is vulnerable to develop endocarditis. It is a condition in which the inner walls of the heart become infected. Although it is a rare condition but it is very much possible for the patients to develop such infections. Other complications that may rise during a transaortic valve implantation are access (including injury at the arterial access site, arterial tree trauma, and problems with vascular closure), valve deployment (including improper positioning, coronary compromise and annular rupture), valve function (including paravalvular leak), organ injury (including stroke, myocardial ischemia/injury, and acute kidney injury), and arrhythmic complications (including high degree heart block and atrial fibrillation) and late complications including aortic regurgitation and prosthetic valve thrombosis.
Even after the surgery you are at risk of developing infections which can prove very fatal as the heart is very sensitive organ and such infections may affect the success rate of the surgery drastically.
The best possible way to avoid such problems is to lead a healthy lifestyle. Riding on healthy food like fats and keeping a check on your cholesterol levels also helps to keep your heart healthy. You can also try yoga and other exercises as these help to increase blood circulation. Elderly people should try to go out for morning or evening walk as it helps to keep them healthy makes their heart strong.
Monday, July 9, 2018
How to lead a healthy life after bypass surgery?

The coronary arteries have a hollow tubular structure which allows free flow of blood, however, this might get blocked due to the excessive accumulation of cholesterol particles which are commonly known as Plaque. Increase in cholesterol levels in the body is a side effect of a Healthy lifestyle. As per the best tavi cardiac surgery hospital, consumption of unhealthy fats leads to obesity which in turn increases the cholesterol levels in your body. Hence obese people are at an increased risk of developing coronary artery heart diseases. Blockade in the coronary artery may lead to fatal health issues and increase the risks of heart attack.
Studies conducted by the best tavi cardiac surgery hospital show that one of the best methods to treat coronary artery disease is TAVI or Transcatheter aortic valve implantation. In this process a small tube-like structure called catheter is inserted interval large into a large blood vessel through a small incision in the chest. The aortic valve is implanted with the help of this incision. This valve is artificially constructed with the help of natural tissues taken from the heart of cattles such as cows and pigs.
Before the surgery, you need to undergo certain tests and examinations in order to make sure that you are eligible for the surgery. You will have to get admitted to the hospital a day before the surgery for all the important pre-operation checkups. In case your cardiologist prescribes you search in medicines make sure you take the proper dosage on time in order to minimize any complications during the surgery.
After undergoing the transcatheter aortic valve implantation the patient might become weak and take certain days to recover completely. It is very important to take proper care and perform all the prescribed instructions religiously in order to make the surgery a success. You might need to continue certain medications even after the surgery. Make sure you take all the medicines properly and on time.
After the transcatheter aortic valve implantation, the of the wound should be changed every day in order to avoid infections as these may prove to be fatal. Infection may also affect the healing process and slow down your recovery. Consult your doctor whenever you feel any discomfort or pain so that they can be treated as soon as possible.
The patient needs to cut down on his consumption of unhealthy fats and oily foods and replace the normal oil with olive oil. Adding Greens to your food may also speed up the recovery process.
Avoid drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes as they not only bring down the healing process but may increase the chances of coronary artery disease in the future. These release harmful substances into the blood which might affect the success rate of the surgery drastically and prove fatal for the patient.
The procedure might affect the patients thinking capacity or may even lead to memory loss but you do not need to worry as these problems are only temporary and improve with time. It takes about 6 to 9 months for these problems to fade away completely.
Friday, July 6, 2018
TAVI Cardiac Surgery: How Successful Is It?
Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation also known as Percutaneous aortic valve replacement or transcatheter aortic valve replacement is the alternate of the aortic valve of the heart through the blood vessels. Transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) has become a beneficial treatment for patients with aortic valve stenosis deemed at high or even high-priced risk for open surgery.
TAVI is all set to revolutionize the face of cardiac care in India. Although Tavi Cardiac Surgery Hospital in India is offering it but the operating expenses are high at present and benefits are unsurpassed. TAVI allows many patients with severe aortic valve stenosis who were previously classified as too high risk or inoperable, to be effectively treated, giving them a second chance to be able to lead a healthy life.
TAVI or transcatheter aortic valve implantation is a surgery wherein the surgery is performed without opening the heart to place an artificial valve in the place of the older aortic valve. In this kind of surgery, there is a system of valve over valve, where the collapsible replacement valve is pressed through a catheter into the aortic valve and allowed to open up. As a result, the stenosed valvular leaflets are pushed aside and the new prosthetic valve gets active for controlling the flow of blood. The cost of TAVI Cardiac Surgery is approximately 15 to 18 lakh in Tavi Cardiac Surgery Hospital in India.
The risk for complications is moderately low; however, in roughly 1% of patients emergency cardiac surgery (ECS) becomes vital during TAVI. Some of the frequent complications are - Aortic injury, embolization of the TAVI prosthesis, and myocardial injury. Transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) has become a highly successful and advantageous treatment for patients with severe symptomatic aortic valve stenosis.
Benefits / Success of TAVI:
· TAVI or Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation is a procedure wherein a non-natural prosthetic valve is passed through a tube by incision on a large vein of the leg or thigh, such as the femoral artery or a large artery in the chest.
· Hence, the old valve is compressed and the replacement fits into place and acts as a normal valve. In this method of TAVI, patients undergo quick recovery and short hospital stay.
· After the surgery, patient can start their day to day functions without much delay.
· It is also of benefit for debilitated patients, mostly in their old age after 60 years, because they are not suitable to undergo the open heart surgery methods.
· TAVI is suitable for patients with just aortic stenosis and no other condition can be benefited if the chest hollow space is opened.
· With this surgery, patients are less prone to any side effects. In the long run also, aortic valve replacement by this process of catheterisation is quite successful and helps people with better recovery potential.
· These surgeries range from simple relief of obstruction to the replacement of various vessels and valves. Many of the methods have undergone huge changes in the recent times, because of improved skills and better equipments in the hands of the doctors.
· The advantage of the procedure is that the patient’s condition returns to normality immediately after the procedure