The coronary arteries have a hollow tubular structure which allows free flow of blood, however, this might get blocked due to the excessive accumulation of cholesterol particles which are commonly known as Plaque. Increase in cholesterol levels in the body is a side effect of a Healthy lifestyle. As per the best tavi cardiac surgery hospital, consumption of unhealthy fats leads to obesity which in turn increases the cholesterol levels in your body. Hence obese people are at an increased risk of developing coronary artery heart diseases. Blockade in the coronary artery may lead to fatal health issues and increase the risks of heart attack.
Studies conducted by the best tavi cardiac surgery hospital show that one of the best methods to treat coronary artery disease is TAVI or Transcatheter aortic valve implantation. In this process a small tube-like structure called catheter is inserted interval large into a large blood vessel through a small incision in the chest. The aortic valve is implanted with the help of this incision. This valve is artificially constructed with the help of natural tissues taken from the heart of cattles such as cows and pigs.
Before the surgery, you need to undergo certain tests and examinations in order to make sure that you are eligible for the surgery. You will have to get admitted to the hospital a day before the surgery for all the important pre-operation checkups. In case your cardiologist prescribes you search in medicines make sure you take the proper dosage on time in order to minimize any complications during the surgery.
After undergoing the transcatheter aortic valve implantation the patient might become weak and take certain days to recover completely. It is very important to take proper care and perform all the prescribed instructions religiously in order to make the surgery a success. You might need to continue certain medications even after the surgery. Make sure you take all the medicines properly and on time.
After the transcatheter aortic valve implantation, the of the wound should be changed every day in order to avoid infections as these may prove to be fatal. Infection may also affect the healing process and slow down your recovery. Consult your doctor whenever you feel any discomfort or pain so that they can be treated as soon as possible.
The patient needs to cut down on his consumption of unhealthy fats and oily foods and replace the normal oil with olive oil. Adding Greens to your food may also speed up the recovery process.
Avoid drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes as they not only bring down the healing process but may increase the chances of coronary artery disease in the future. These release harmful substances into the blood which might affect the success rate of the surgery drastically and prove fatal for the patient.
The procedure might affect the patients thinking capacity or may even lead to memory loss but you do not need to worry as these problems are only temporary and improve with time. It takes about 6 to 9 months for these problems to fade away completely.
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