Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Total knee Arthroplasty: Care at Home

Total knee arthroplasty is a surgical procedure used to remove the damaged knee cap and replace it with a man-made, metal or plastic component created by experts in such a way that you knee moves just like it used to before you developed the problem total knee arthroplasty is usually performed in case of osteoarthritis. Arthritis is a very common problem in today's world. Total knee arthroplasty can be used to treat various knee related problems that are caused by arthritis, osteoarthritis, or injury caused by an accident. Knee problems may also rise due to unhealthy lifestyle that leads to obesity which in turn results in a lot of pressure on the knees as they support the weight of the whole body. Nowadays we see that with the advent of the  scientific and technological era the human race has wholly and solely become dependent upon machines for their day to day work. Knee problems are more common in females then in males owing  to the fact that after a woman reaches her menopause, the estrogen content in her body drastically comes down. Estrogen helps protect the bones and as its quantity decreases, the vulnerability to develop Arthritis increases. Total knee arthroplasty is the best solution for all these problems that can be very painful and may prevent you from leading a happy and healthy lifestyle.

The surgeries performed by inducing unconsciousness using anaesthesia. The damaged knee cap is then removed carefully without damaging the adjoining joints. A matter of plastic asked replica of the kneecap is then positioned in its place. After the surgery you might not be able to move without help for some time. You might even need the help of crutches or a wheelchair until the wound is completely healed. It usually takes about 6 to 7 weeks for the wound to heal completely. The surgery has a huge success rate and has health thousands of people to regain the ability to walk without support. Although you might initially but the pain Killers will take care of that. The diet plays a very important role as it provides all the essential nutrients that speeden up the healing process and help prevent such problems in future.

After the surgery it is advisable for the patient to take complete bed rest with minimum mobilisation. Physiotherapy also helps in the process of recovery. Exercises should be done under expert supervision. The patient need perform the exercises regularly and if they feel to do so it might affect the success rate of the surgery. The patient should make sure that they put minimum possible weight on the operated leg and use crutches or even wheelchair if required. The patient should avoid climbing stairs and if needed the room should be shifted to the ground floor so that they do not have to use the stairs. A nurse could be arranged to take care of the patient unless he becomes capable of moving on his own. A sound mind leads to a sound body hence you need to make sure that the patient is kept in a positive environment.

The patient should avoid sitting on the floor as flexion might cause further pain and discomfort. The patient should be provided with the chair or bed  such that it becomes easier for him to sit down or sleep. The bending of the affected knee should be avoided as much as possible. Apart from this running and jogging should be halted unless you doctor allows you to do so. Make sure you follow all the instructions given by your doctor as these help to speed up your recovery and help you leave and normal life, just like before. 


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