Best Diet Tips to Stay on Track
Drink plenty of water or other calorie , Try drinking flavored sparkling water or brewing a cup of fruit-infused herbal tea.
Get active and be a healthy weight
Eating a healthy, balanced diet plays an essential role in maintaining a healthy weight, which is an important part of overall good health.
Don't skip breakfast
Some people skip breakfast because they think it will help them lose weight. In fact, research shows that people who regularly eat breakfast are less likely to be overweight.
Wednesday, December 19, 2018
Why do I have to get my tonsils removed?
By Healthcare at December 19, 2018
ear hospital in delhi, ent hospital in delhi, ent specialists delhi, ent surgeon in delhi
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are small glands at the back of the throat that store white cells to fight
infection, but can themselves become infected leading to tonsillitis, an
infection that causes tonsils to swell and lead to a sore throat. These can be
treated by tonsillectomy which is a surgical procedure that is done to remove
the tonsils. Two common reasons as to why tonsillectomy is performed are
recurrent strep throat and sleep apnea. You can find Top 10 ENT specialists in
Delhi to get your tonsillectomy done with high success rate. ENT specialists in
Delhi are highly trained and experienced and this is the reason why Delhi is
the ideal place to get the surgery done. Also, it would not only be cheaper as
compared to other countries but you will also be attended by experienced
doctors who will provide effective and efficient treatment.
leading ENT doctor in Delhi listed a number of symptoms that might
be an indication of tonsillitis. These include fever, trouble swallowing,
and swollen glands around the neck. Also
if the throat is red and tonsils are covered in a whitish or yellow
coating, there is definitely tonsillitis. Antibiotics are necessary to remove
the swelling if does not go on its own. The doctor may recommend a tonsillectomy
if the patient experiences infection five to seven times in a year and even
then the severity of those infections and how the person responds to
antibiotics is considered.

There are certain risks associated with
tonsillectomy that your doctor may warn you about and these include nausea,
vomiting, throat pain, difficulty in swallowing, low-grade fever, bad
breath, earaches and fatigue. There are many ways to get the tonsils
removed. Cold knife dissection is the most common way of getting the tonsils
removed and in this procedure, the tonsils are removed with a scalpel by the
surgeon. Another method is cauterization where the tissue is burnt away by
ultrasonic vibration and using sound waves.
surgery usually takes half an hour to perform and the risks that are associated
with the surgery are side effects from general anaesthesia as the surgery is
performed under general anaesthesia, infection, bleeding and swelling as well. ENT Surgeon in Delhi will provide you
with all the knowledge regarding the surgery and will ask you about your
medical history and only then will suggest you take a stride and your decision
will be well informed. You will also be informed about the various alternatives
if there are any. While recovering from the surgery it is normal to experience
some pain in jaw, neck, ears and sore throat is also common and patients should
sip water and eat ice cubes to soothe the pain and stay hydrated. Patients are
also recommended not to eat anything hard or crunchy for a few days after the
Monday, December 10, 2018
What is the right time to get treatment for gallbladder stones?
By Healthcare at December 10, 2018
gastro doctor in Delhi, gastro hospital in Delhi, gastroenterology hospital in Delhi, gi surgeon in Delhi, GI surgery hospital
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per the best gi surgeon in Delhi, there are a number of risk factors that
increase your chances of developing gallstones. These are more common in women,
people above 40 years of age, people having a family history of gallstones,
obese and overweight people, patients suffering from other medical conditions
like diabetes and Crohn’s disease, people having high
levels of fat and cholesterol in their bodies etc. Certain drugs can also be
responsible for the formation of gallstones.
can be of two different types, pigment stones and cholesterol stones. Pigment
stones are made up of bilirubin whereas cholesterol stones are made by
excessive cholesterol deposition. Cholesterol stones are quite common as
compared to pigment stones and from where there is too much cholesterol in the
bile. Gallstones may also develop if the gallbladder does not get rid of all
the bile juice that it produces. Pigment gallstones commonly affect patients
suffering from cirrhosis or a chronic blood disorder.
are also known as silent stone as they do not usually show any symptoms. The
major symptom that shows the presence of gallstones is the pain associated with
it. The patient usually experiences pain when the gallstones move from the
gallbladder towards the various ducts. Gallstones that have a tendency of
migrating from one place to another can lead to serious problems like acute
cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder), cholangitis (infection and
inflammation of the bile ducts), and pancreatitis (inflammation of the
pancreas). The presence of gallstones can also be indicated by several other
factors which include nausea, sweating, unexplained fever and yellowing of the
gallstones do not require surgical removal and can be treated with the help of
oral medication, however, in the case of larger gallstones surgical removal
will be required. The surgery is usually conducted when the patient feels
excessive pain or discomfort however sometimes the doctor may remove the
gallstone beforehand. It is very important to seek medical help as soon as
experience any of these symptoms for immediate detection and treatment.
Wednesday, December 5, 2018
What are different types of Vascular Diseases?
By Healthcare at December 05, 2018
endovascular surgery, Hospital for Vascular Surgery In Delhi, Vascular Surgeons In Delhi, Vascular Surgery Delhi, Vascular Surgery Doctors in Delhi
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per the leading vascular surgery doctors in Delhi, vascular diseases can affect
people of any age group or gender and most of the time it is difficult to
determine the symptoms in the initial stages. Vascular problems are more common
in adults especially elderly people as their blood vessels tend to lose their
strength and become defected easily. A lot of patients prefer to undergo
vascular surgery in Delhi as you can find the most efficient and trusted
vascular surgeons in Delhi. Depending
on the type of vessel affected, Vascular diseases can be broadly divided into
different types.
Some of the most common types of vascular diseases include the
and Peripheral Artery Disease - peripheral arteries serve as a pathway for the
blood from the heart to various tissues and organs throughout our body. These
can get severely affected by unhealthy deposits of fat, cholesterol and other
impurities which can get easily deposited on the inner wall of the arteries.
This leads to narrowing of the artery which hinders the normal flow of blood.
The problem can lead to chest pain accompanied by breathlessness, nausea and
fatigue. If left untreated it can lead to heart failure, stroke or even death.
Aneurysm -
it refers to a bulge that occurs in the wall of the blood vessel and commonly
affects the aorta. An aneurysm can either be thoracic or abdominal. All the
problem does not pose any serious threat to the life of the patient but may
trigger plaque build up. It can also lead to clot formation which can travel
via the blood channels and get deposited on different organs.
Phenomenon (Raynaud's Disease or Raynaud's Syndrome) - the problems caused by
temporary cut down of blood supply to your fingers or toes when you are cold or
Venous Disease and Varicose Veins - the problem occurs when your valves get so
damaged that they do not close completely when your muscles are in a relaxed
position. Usually, the valves prevent the backward flow of blood but in
patients suffering from peripheral venous disease, there might be a flow of
blood from both the sides.
Clotting Disorders - there are certain disorders that can trigger the formation
of clots in your body. The problem can be congenital or the result of an
accident. As a result of this problem
the patient experience higher levels of the clot-forming substances like
fibrinogen and factor 8, deficiency of blood thinning proteins, difficulty in
breaking down fibrin and damage to the endothelium.
How to use your shoulder after shoulder replacement surgery?
By Healthcare at December 05, 2018
hip replacement surgery, joint replacement surgery, shoulder replacement surgery, total knee Arthroplasty in Delhi
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You will need to wear a sling for at least first 6 weeks after shoulder replacement surgery and this
is done to provide extra support or protection to the arm and shoulder. You can
continue using the sling even after this time period even after this period.
You may need to wear a shoulder immobilizer to keep the joint in place as well.
You should rest your shoulder and elbow on a rolled up towel or small pillow
when lying down as this will help in preventing damage to your shoulder which
can be possibly caused by the stretching of the muscles or tendons and you will
need to keep doing this for 6 to 8 weeks after your surgery, even when wearing
a sling. Wear the sling all the time unless your surgeon asks you to remove it.
You should use the support of your good arm to move the arm that has undergone
the surgery and move it only as much as your shoulder replacement doctors have asked you to. After 4 to 6 weeks
of the surgery, your surgeon or physical therapist will show you other
exercises to stretch your shoulder and gain more movement in your joint.
Your surgeon or physical therapist may teach you pendulum exercises
to do at home for 4 to 6 weeks which will help your shoulder to gain strength
and help you get acquainted with the new parts. To do these exercises you can
lean over and support your weight with your good arm on a counter or table,
hang your arm, that has been operated upon, down or very carefully and slowly
swing your loose arm round and round in circles. Your surgeon or physical
therapist will also teach you safe ways to move your arm and shoulder so that
you do not over-exert your shoulder joints. You should not try to lift or move
your shoulder without supporting it with your good arm or having someone else
supporting it and your surgeon or therapist will tell you when it is okay to
lift or move your shoulder without this support.
These exercises and movements may be hard in the beginning and may
put a lot of strain on your shoulder but they will get easier over time and it
is very important to do these as your surgeon or therapist showed you as doing
these exercises will help your shoulder get better faster and they will also
help you be more active after you recover.
You should try to avoid certain activities and movements like using
your shoulder a lot, lifting objects heavier than a cup of coffee, supporting
your body weight on the operated arm, making sudden jerking movements. Your
surgeon or physical therapist will tell you which sports and other activities
are okay for you after your recovery. You will probably not be able to drive
for at least 4 to 6 weeks after the surgery as you might need to take narcotics
during this period.
Monday, December 3, 2018
How to get rid of pigmentation?
By Healthcare at December 03, 2018
cosmetic surgery, dermatology hospitals, paediatric plastic surgery, plastic Surgery
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use of new and highly advanced machines and equipment has helped to take cosmetic surgery in Delhi to new heights. You can find one of the best cosmetic surgeons in Delhi who
has successfully helped many patients to get rid of pigmentation. The best
plastic surgeon in Delhi offers a wide range of treatment procedures for
patients suffering from pigmentation.
Some of the most common surgical
procedures include the following:
Microdermabrasion - The procedure is
used for mild pigmentation and involves the removal of the topmost layer of the
skin to get rid of the sunspots and other types of minimal and superficial
discolouration. Microdermabrasion also involves procedures like Derma Sweep in
which anti-pigment agents are infused into the skin to further lighten the
Chemical peel - The procedure involves
the use of mild chemicals like salicylic acid, glycolic acid and TCA. The
effects of the treatment become evident within no time and are highly effective
for deeper pigmentation. The procedure can be altered depending upon the type
of skin. All the chemical peel is a highly effective method of removing
pigmentation, it is not suitable for every person, especially for those who
have an earlier history of scarring. Such patients should discuss their problem
with the dermatologist and consider other options.
Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) - Intense
pulsed light is one of the best methods for treating sun-induced pigmentation.
The procedure involves the use of intense beams of light to target the blood
vessels in the area of skin affected with pigmentation. The affected areas
become dark and flake out within a few days. Sometimes doctors also perform
intense pulsed light treatment after one or two sessions of laser treatment in
order to give better results.
Fractional Laser Resurfacing -
fractional laser resurfacing is one of the most intense procedures available
for pigmentation removal and is highly effective for stubborn pigments. The
procedure is carried out by inducing micro injuries on the skin with the sole
aim of stimulating the skin's healing process. As new skin comes to the
surface, pigmentation is naturally diminished.