• Best Diet Tips to Stay on Track

    Drink plenty of water or other calorie , Try drinking flavored sparkling water or brewing a cup of fruit-infused herbal tea.

  • Get active and be a healthy weight

    Eating a healthy, balanced diet plays an essential role in maintaining a healthy weight, which is an important part of overall good health.

  • Don't skip breakfast

    Some people skip breakfast because they think it will help them lose weight. In fact, research shows that people who regularly eat breakfast are less likely to be overweight.

Sunday, January 6, 2019

What are the precautions to take after heart bypass surgery?

Undergoing a heart bypass surgery is definitely not a small thing. The heart is one of the most sensitive organs of the human body and it is but natural that any surgery associated with it will be quite complicated. The increasing cases of coronary heart diseases in India have led to the growth of various heart bypass surgery hospitals in India. Bypass surgery aims at the replacement of a damaged artery in order to restore the normal flow of blood to various organs. This is done by using an artificially created graft. You can find one of the best heart bypass surgery hospitals in Delhi where you can easily avail for the best services.

Although heart bypass surgery is the best treatment for treating coronary heart diseases, however, it has to be kept in mind that the surgery needs to be followed up by proper precautionary measures in order to make it a success. The surgery is only a part of the treatment and what follows next matters the most. The leading cardiovascular surgeon in Delhi recommends certain guidelines and precautions to be followed after undergoing a heart bypass surgery in order to ensure healthy and fast healing. 

  • After the surgery, the patient is directly shifted to the intensive care unit (ICU) where he/she is kept under keen observation for around 1 to 5 days. Once it is ensured that the patient is out of danger, he/she is shifted to the general ward and discharged within a week or two. The time taken for recovery depends upon the adversity of the disease as well as the age of the patient.
  • Physiotherapy is to be started within a day or two to help the patient cope up with the surgery.
  • On the first day following the surgery, the patient should take complete bed rest.
  • On the second day, mild breathing and coughing exercises can be started.
  • On the third day, the patient can start walking and this should be done twice or thrice a day.
  • As the days increase, so does the intensity of the exercises.
  • The sutures are removed within 10 days and the patient may be advised to use elastic support stockings to keep their leg in a raised position while sitting.
  • Fatigue and weakness are quite natural after the surgery, hence it is advisable to take as much rest as possible.
  • The patient should avoid indulging in rigorous physical activities.
  • Avoid standing or sitting in one position for a long time.
  • Driving should be avoided for the first few months following the surgery and even if you are on the passenger seat, do not travel for more than an hour at a stretch.
  • Smoking and drinking are strictly prohibited.
  • The diet of the patient should be free from unhealthy fats and cholesterol-rich food products.
  • Salt consumption should also be minimised.
  • In patients suffering from hypertension and diabetes, it is very important to keep their blood pressure and sugar levels under control.
  • The wound could be cleaned and sterilized properly to avoid any sort of infection.
  • The medicines prescribed by the doctor should be taken religiously.
  • In case of persistent pain or discomfort, immediately consult your surgeon for proper guidance.
The doctors hailing from the best heart treatment hospitals in Delhi make it a point to inform their patients about all these precautionary measures such that there are minimal complications.

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Is there an age limit for LASIK surgery?

LASIK Eye Surgery (Laser-Assisted in situ keratomileusis) is a minimally invasive surgical procedure used to treat various refractive defects of eyes like myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism. The surgery is done by cutting out a thin flap from the corner using special instruments like microkeratome or femtosecond laser as a result of which the underlying corneal tissue is exposed. This tissue is then reshaped, very carefully, using a special laser. Although LASIK eye surgery is very effective in treating a number of refractive eye defects, however, the surgery is not suitable for everybody. The age of the patient is to be kept under consideration as there are certain age limits associated with it. The leading LASIK and laser eye surgery hospital in Delhi offers the best treatment options and services to its patients. Lasik eye surgery cost in Delhi is very cheap and at par with International standards making it one of the best places to get your surgery done from.

LASIK and laser eye surgery hospital in DelhiAs per the doctors from the best ophthalmic hospital in Delhi, India a person is eligible to undergo Lasik eye surgery after he crosses 21 years of age. However, the procedure may somehow vary depending upon the adversity of the patient's condition which usually deteriorates with time. LASIK surgery hospitals in Delhi have a very well efficient and specialised staff that consists of some of the best Ophthalmologists of India who make sure that the patient eligible to undergo the procedure and only then carry out the surgery.

You are never too old to get the surgery done and as soon as you cross 21 years of age you can opt for it anytime. However, if the patient is below 21 years of age the surgery should be avoided. The surgery is surely not advisable for children below 18 years of age as their body is still going and so are their eyes which means that their eyesight can change as time passes by. The sole purpose of laser-assisted in-situ keratomileusis is to correct the refractive errors which occur when the eyes of the patient are not able to focus the light coming from the object on the retina.

The surgery may be performed on patients lying in the age group of 18 to 21 years only if they have a stable prescription for two or more years. In other words of the power of their eyes does not change within two years. This means that their eyesight has stopped changing, hence, there would not be any change in the refractive error as well. It is very important to consult an eye specialist before making any decision as any carelessness or rash decision can lead to visual impairment.

People below the age of 21 can use glasses or lenses to temporarily help them in seeing things clearly. However, these do not help you get rid of the problem permanently and are only substitutes for the surgery. As time passes by the power of the lens keeps on changing. Hence it is better to opt for the surgery as soon as you reach 21 years of age as the sooner the better. All the glasses and lenses can be very helpful but they have certain cons associated with them. They somewhat limit your activities. You cannot swim while wearing lenses or glasses and how to take extreme care and precaution while wearing them. College students suffering from refractive eye defects, especially experience a lot of difficulties while studying from the books or copying from the blackboard. There is no such hassle once you get the surgery done.

What is Splenectomy? Why is it required?

They say, "the way to a man's heart is from his stomach." Let me give it a modern century twist, the way to every individual's heart be it a man or a woman is from his or her stomach. Such is the value of stomach for the overall happiness of an individual then we can conclude on the value of maintaining the overall health condition of the stomach which likewise keeps up the general well-being of the individual. In this article, we will make you aware about the medical condition of splenectomy and for highly accurate information, we have gathered our information from the best gastroenterologist in Delhi NCR.

Firstly, let's know about the basic anatomy of the spleen which will throw light on how the condition of splenectomy becomes a necessity for treating a damaged spleen. In the upper left side of abdomen just under the rib cage is the organ, spleen which is majorly involved in filtering the unwanted blood cells and it has significant roles to play in providing protection against various kinds of infections.

A highly qualified top stomach specialist Delhi points out that usually abdominal injuries become the underlying cause for a treatment through a splenectomy. Basically, injuries in the region of the abdomen can lead to rupture in the spleen which causes pain. If the spleen enlarges beyond the normal limits, it starts to interfere with the general functioning and it starts to cause discomfort to the individual by enabling a 'feeling of fullness'. Progression of some cancers namely, lymphocytic leukaemia, Hodgkin's  lymphoma, non-Hodgkin's  lymphoma, and hairy cell leukaemia, they start to interfere in the normal well-being of the individual, in such cases, a splenectomy has to be performed so that the patient can be relieved from the pain and symptoms of a dysfunctioning spleen. The best GI surgeon in Delhi points out that a splenectomy is also an effective treatment in the cases when noncancerous tumours (or cysts) inside the spleen progress into such forms that their removal from the body is not easy. Development of blood disorder can hamper the health of the spleen. Particularly, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, polycythemia vera, and thalassemia can trigger an unstable working of the spleen, a splenectomy is recommended as a treatment. In addition to these, state of severe infection at times becomes an adverse medical condition to be dealt with, the recommendation of a splenectomy, in this case, is an effective measure to reclaim the normal health of the patient.

In the best GI surgery hospital in Delhi, this procedure of a splenectomy is performed under the influence of a general anaesthesia through usually a liquid or gas medication. During the entire surgical procedure, the activity of the patient is kept under strict observation. The prerequisite of a spelenctomy is a detailed diagnostic assessment of the patient which evaluate his or her eligibility for the patient contingent upon some factors, including the cause of the spleen disorder, the extent of the problem, and the overall health condition of the patient. The best gastro hospital in Delhi offers two methodologies for a splenectomy, namely traditional and laparoscopic. Even though the latter procedure of a laparoscopic surgical procedure has various advantages to offer because it is a minimally invasive surgery and it quickens up the period of rehabilitation plus, the scaring remains minimum. But the choice of the type of a splenectomy to be performed is based upon the doctor's evaluation of the patient's condition. If the spleen is large, the chances of performing a spelenctomy through a traditional method increase.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Why do I have to get my tonsils removed?

Tonsils are small glands at the back of the throat that store white cells to fight infection, but can themselves become infected leading to tonsillitis, an infection that causes tonsils to swell and lead to a sore throat. These can be treated by tonsillectomy which is a surgical procedure that is done to remove the tonsils. Two common reasons as to why tonsillectomy is performed are recurrent strep throat and sleep apnea. You can find Top 10 ENT specialists in Delhi to get your tonsillectomy done with high success rate. ENT specialists in Delhi are highly trained and experienced and this is the reason why Delhi is the ideal place to get the surgery done. Also, it would not only be cheaper as compared to other countries but you will also be attended by experienced doctors who will provide effective and efficient treatment. 
The leading ENT doctor in Delhi listed a number of symptoms that might be an indication of tonsillitis. These include fever, trouble swallowing, and swollen glands around the neck.  Also if the throat is red and tonsils are covered in a whitish or yellow coating, there is definitely tonsillitis. Antibiotics are necessary to remove the swelling if does not go on its own. The doctor may recommend a tonsillectomy if the patient experiences infection five to seven times in a year and even then the severity of those infections and how the person responds to antibiotics is considered.

ENT Surgeon in Delhi - Aakash HealthcareChildren need tonsillectomy more than adults as it is a wise idea to get the tonsils removed at the younger age so that they may not cause problems in the future, however, adults can also get the tonsillectomy. ENT Hospitals in Delhi offer treatment options for both children as well as adults. Tonsillectomy can also treat other medical problems such as breathing problems related to swollen tonsils, frequent and loud snoring, periods in which you stop breathing during sleep which is also known as sleep apnea, bleeding of the tonsils and cancer of the tonsils. It is seen that usually, people stop having frequent infections after the surgery, but the surgery is still not hundred per cent effective. Although it can treat chronic infections, it can not prevent one from having the infections at all. Nevertheless, the frequency of the infections and is seen to be reduced after the surgery and when they do occur they are not as severe.

There are certain risks associated with tonsillectomy that your doctor may warn you about and these include nausea, vomiting, throat pain, difficulty in swallowing, low-grade fever, bad breath, earaches and fatigue. There are many ways to get the tonsils removed. Cold knife dissection is the most common way of getting the tonsils removed and in this procedure, the tonsils are removed with a scalpel by the surgeon. Another method is cauterization where the tissue is burnt away by ultrasonic vibration and using sound waves.

The surgery usually takes half an hour to perform and the risks that are associated with the surgery are side effects from general anaesthesia as the surgery is performed under general anaesthesia, infection, bleeding and swelling as well. ENT Surgeon in Delhi will provide you with all the knowledge regarding the surgery and will ask you about your medical history and only then will suggest you take a stride and your decision will be well informed. You will also be informed about the various alternatives if there are any. While recovering from the surgery it is normal to experience some pain in jaw, neck, ears and sore throat is also common and patients should sip water and eat ice cubes to soothe the pain and stay hydrated. Patients are also recommended not to eat anything hard or crunchy for a few days after the surgery.

Monday, December 10, 2018

What is the right time to get treatment for gallbladder stones?

Gallbladder stones or gallstones are small stone like structure that develops in the gallbladder of a person or their bile ducts. The gallbladder is a small pear-shaped organ responsible for the secretion of bile juice which is extremely important as it helps in breaking down the fats present in our food. Gallstones can be extremely painful and need to be removed immediately. The treatment for gallbladder stones is available at the leading gastro hospital in Delhi where you can find the best gastroenterologist in Delhi NCR. Gastroenterology specialists in Delhi are highly trained and have successfully treated innumerable patients. Gastro hospitals in Delhi are known for their infrastructure and use of high-class technology.

As per the best gi surgeon in Delhi, there are a number of risk factors that increase your chances of developing gallstones. These are more common in women, people above 40 years of age, people having a family history of gallstones, obese and overweight people, patients suffering from other medical conditions like diabetes and Crohn’s disease, people having high levels of fat and cholesterol in their bodies etc. Certain drugs can also be responsible for the formation of gallstones.

Gallstones can be of two different types, pigment stones and cholesterol stones. Pigment stones are made up of bilirubin whereas cholesterol stones are made by excessive cholesterol deposition. Cholesterol stones are quite common as compared to pigment stones and from where there is too much cholesterol in the bile. Gallstones may also develop if the gallbladder does not get rid of all the bile juice that it produces. Pigment gallstones commonly affect patients suffering from cirrhosis or a chronic blood disorder.

Gallstones are also known as silent stone as they do not usually show any symptoms. The major symptom that shows the presence of gallstones is the pain associated with it. The patient usually experiences pain when the gallstones move from the gallbladder towards the various ducts. Gallstones that have a tendency of migrating from one place to another can lead to serious problems like acute cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder), cholangitis (infection and inflammation of the bile ducts), and pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas). The presence of gallstones can also be indicated by several other factors which include nausea, sweating, unexplained fever and yellowing of the skin.

Smaller gallstones do not require surgical removal and can be treated with the help of oral medication, however, in the case of larger gallstones surgical removal will be required. The surgery is usually conducted when the patient feels excessive pain or discomfort however sometimes the doctor may remove the gallstone beforehand. It is very important to seek medical help as soon as experience any of these symptoms for immediate detection and treatment.