Sunday, January 6, 2019

What are the precautions to take after heart bypass surgery?

Undergoing a heart bypass surgery is definitely not a small thing. The heart is one of the most sensitive organs of the human body and it is but natural that any surgery associated with it will be quite complicated. The increasing cases of coronary heart diseases in India have led to the growth of various heart bypass surgery hospitals in India. Bypass surgery aims at the replacement of a damaged artery in order to restore the normal flow of blood to various organs. This is done by using an artificially created graft. You can find one of the best heart bypass surgery hospitals in Delhi where you can easily avail for the best services.

Although heart bypass surgery is the best treatment for treating coronary heart diseases, however, it has to be kept in mind that the surgery needs to be followed up by proper precautionary measures in order to make it a success. The surgery is only a part of the treatment and what follows next matters the most. The leading cardiovascular surgeon in Delhi recommends certain guidelines and precautions to be followed after undergoing a heart bypass surgery in order to ensure healthy and fast healing. 

  • After the surgery, the patient is directly shifted to the intensive care unit (ICU) where he/she is kept under keen observation for around 1 to 5 days. Once it is ensured that the patient is out of danger, he/she is shifted to the general ward and discharged within a week or two. The time taken for recovery depends upon the adversity of the disease as well as the age of the patient.
  • Physiotherapy is to be started within a day or two to help the patient cope up with the surgery.
  • On the first day following the surgery, the patient should take complete bed rest.
  • On the second day, mild breathing and coughing exercises can be started.
  • On the third day, the patient can start walking and this should be done twice or thrice a day.
  • As the days increase, so does the intensity of the exercises.
  • The sutures are removed within 10 days and the patient may be advised to use elastic support stockings to keep their leg in a raised position while sitting.
  • Fatigue and weakness are quite natural after the surgery, hence it is advisable to take as much rest as possible.
  • The patient should avoid indulging in rigorous physical activities.
  • Avoid standing or sitting in one position for a long time.
  • Driving should be avoided for the first few months following the surgery and even if you are on the passenger seat, do not travel for more than an hour at a stretch.
  • Smoking and drinking are strictly prohibited.
  • The diet of the patient should be free from unhealthy fats and cholesterol-rich food products.
  • Salt consumption should also be minimised.
  • In patients suffering from hypertension and diabetes, it is very important to keep their blood pressure and sugar levels under control.
  • The wound could be cleaned and sterilized properly to avoid any sort of infection.
  • The medicines prescribed by the doctor should be taken religiously.
  • In case of persistent pain or discomfort, immediately consult your surgeon for proper guidance.
The doctors hailing from the best heart treatment hospitals in Delhi make it a point to inform their patients about all these precautionary measures such that there are minimal complications.


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