Monday, August 6, 2018
Cystoscopy: procedure and aftercare
Endoscopy is the procedure by which a narrow tube with a camera is inserted inside a person body via the mouth, the groin or the nose with the sole purpose of examining the internal organs of the body. The procedure is performed to detect any kind of problem in the internal organs. The camera processes images that are generated on a big screen and help the doctor to perform the treatment procedure with more accuracy and efficiency.
Cystoscopy is a branch of endoscopy that involves the screening of the urinary bladder and is carried out via the urethra. The urethra is a passage that connects the urinary bladder to the urinary meatus and performs the function of the removal of urine from the body. The urinary bladder is a muscular sac just behind the pubic sac which acts as a storage container for the urine which is made by the kidneys. Urinary bladder not only stores the urine but is also responsible for controlling the flow of urine. Cystoscopy is generally recommended to diagnose bladder related diseases like cyst in the bladder due to inflammation or infection or loss of bladder control. Cystoscopy is done with the help of a tube-like structure called cystoscope which is inserted into the bladder via urethra so as to visualize the inside of the bladder and to get a magnified image of the inside of the bladder. It might be recommended in case of an over-reactive bladder, a condition in which the urine is squeezed out of the bladder at the wrong time.
Cystoscopy may be helpful in the diagnosis of intestinal cystitis wherein the patient experiences a chronic pain in the bladder and a frequent urge to urinate. Cystoscopy is also helpful in detecting the cancer of the urethra. According to one of the best urologist in Delhi, in case of patients experiencing extreme pain while urinating or patients who complain about traces of blood in their urine, it becomes necessary to diagnose the situation and cystoscopy proves to very efficient in such cases. Pain in the pelvic region and recurring urinary infection are also major indicators for the need of cystoscopy. Cystoscopy is often prescribed to diagnose bladder cancer, tumor in the bladder or even stones.
Doctors often prescribe antibiotics before a cystoscopy in case of patients who suffer from UTI or weak immune system. Before performing cystoscopy the patient is put under anesthesia. Then a lubricant is applied to the scope and the scope is inserted into the bladder and doctor examines the bladder and the images are monitored on the screen. The doctors use these images to diagnose the problem effectively and efficiently.
Patients may complain of burning sensation after the test which is quite normal. There might be some blood in the urine after the test and the patient should not get alarmed as it is completely normal of patients to experience these symptoms and there is nothing serious about them. Proper precautions should be taken after the test has been done as negligence might lead to a lot of complications such as a swollen urethra, infection in the bladder. Fever, pungent smelling urine, feeling nausea, and fatigue and experiencing frequent lower back pain are some of the symptoms of infection and require the patient to take proper medication and care.
The best urologist in Delhi states that in case patients observe any of the symptoms they should consult a doctor immediately without further ado and start their treatment as soon as possible. Care after cystoscopy is very important and patients are often advised to take plenty of fluids and take sufficient rest. As per the recommendations of the best urologist in Delhi, citrus fruit drinks, and coffee should be avoided as it can increase the pain while urinating. Spicy food and chocolates should also be avoided. In case you are a chain smoker, you need to quit smoking as well as drinking as these may trigger more problems.
Tuesday, July 31, 2018
Life after shoulder replacement surgery for a sports person
In today's world, disorders like arthritis which affect bone and joint health are pretty common. A large section of the population is affected by problems related to arthritis however; its worst impact is on those belonging to the sports world. Arthritis especially osteoarthritis and osteoporosis is a very common problem amongst the sportspersons due to excessive wear and tear of the joints and the cartilage. The commonly affected areas include knees and ankles. Although arthritis may even affect the shoulders of a person but the chances are considerably low. However, studies have shown that the cases of shoulder joint replacement in Delhi have increased in the recent past and reached to ten thousand per annum. Delhi is a hub for the best shoulder replacement surgeons of the country. Life of a sports person is brought back to normal by the surgery. He/ She can easily carry on with the sports with great efficiency and there are very rare cases where efficiency of the sports person has decreased after the surgery. Even in such cases, the problem can be reversed by physiotherapy and practicing your respective sport. Shoulder replacement surgery can be of two types namely partial shoulder replacement surgery and total shoulder replacement surgery.
Problems in the shoulder can restrict the movement of a person's arm and lead to a lot of pain and discomfort. It becomes and we argue for the person to perform his day-to-day activities let alone play a sport. Any kind of physical injury not only affects sports person physically with also mentally and may even lead to depression and anxiety. Some of the problems include inflammation, frequent joint pains, discomfort while moving the arm, and localised movement.
The disease is generally diagnosed by physical examination of the patient and sometimes even x-rays might be required which can be easily done at orthopaedic hospitals where shoulder joint replacement in Delhi is available. One of the typical cases of arthritis is bone on bone arthritis in which there is no cartilage left on the bones joint and it results into the bones rubbing against each other, creating friction which is not at all good. Often the causes of shoulder joint pain include manual labor, or diseases of the cervical spine or neck, liver, heart diseases, and diseases of the gallbladder. Sometime the cause of pain might be the injury to other parts of the body like neck or bicep. A torn rotator cuff or torn cartilage may also be the cause of shoulder pain. Shoulder joint pains are of a wide variety like the frozen shoulder where the ligaments, tendons, and muscles of the shoulder stiffen thereby limiting the movement of the joint. Other than that patient may complain of a grinding sensation in the joint resulting in extreme pain. Usually, the cause of the pain may be diagnosed by carrying out some tests and physical examination. Others than that X-ray or even MRI may be advised by the doctors for close examination.
Treatment of the shoulder pain usually depends upon the severity and the main cause of the pain. In several cases of shoulder joint pain, your doctor may ask you to consult a physiotherapist or shoulder replacement surgeons. However, in more severe cases sling or a shoulder immobilizer may also be prescribed. At times the patients suffering from shoulder joint pain may require surgery. Also in some cases anti-inflammatory injections may also be needed to inject into the joint. Shoulder replacement surgery is a medical procedure in which the damaged joint is removed and is replaced by an implant. Surgery is usually required to provide relief from severe cases of arthritis and shoulder joint pain. The patient may need to be hospitalized for a day or two and he/ she needs to take various precautions and complete rest for at least six weeks so as to regain the full movement of the shoulder. Until then the patient has to refrain from playing his sport. Mostly the patients are asked to take proper rest and avoid any kind of manual labor as it can cause complications and difficulty in recovery. During the recovery time patients are also asked to come for follow-ups and to go for physical therapy so as to strengthen the shoulder joint. Once completely recovered, the patients can lead a normal life performing almost all the day to day activities.
Monday, July 30, 2018
Botox: How many injections will get the best results?
By Health Care Tips at July 30, 2018
cosmetic surgery, dermatologist, dermatology hospitals, skin care hospital
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The idea of beauty has changed tremendously over the past few decades, but desire to have a flawless skin has remained constant and by flawless we mean without any traces of scars, pimples, acne and fine line. Fine lines are a sign of aging and tend to become deeper and more prominent over the span of time and develop into wrinkles. Wrinkles are a sign that your skin is losing its elasticity and is one of the greatest enemies of the beauty industry. These are caused by the breaking down of elastin and collagen particles that are responsible for providing strength and elasticity to the skin. The breakdown of these particles results in the skin losing all of its elasticity, paving way for the formation of wrinkles. Wrinkles can however be taken care of by the application of certain cosmetic products, use of botox or face uplifting surgeries. If you are in Delhi or nearby you can look out for top dermatology hospitals in Delhi or in whichever city in India you are residing.
Cosmetic product may help to hide the wrinkles and fine lines to some extent but this is a temporary and short-term solution. Face uplifting surgeries, popularly known as Rhytidectomy in the medical world, is a cosmetic surgery. Although the procedure is very useful but it is a little time consuming and involves the use of anesthesia, which might not be suitable for all the patients. Botox, on the other hand, is a non-surgical method and is very less time-consuming. The facility is provided by Top dermatology hospitals in Delhi and is a very easy and fast way to get rid of wrinkles. The amount of botox to be injected varies from person to person and there is no specific number of injections that will help you to get the best results.
Botulinum toxin popularly known as Botox is a neurotoxic protein and is generated by the action bacterium Clostridium botulinum. It is a quiet popular method that involves the use of injections to introduce the drug in the skin. The procedure is cheaper as compared to face upliftment surgery and costs about Rs15000 to Rs18000 per session. Why looking for a cosmetic surgery clinic in Delhi, is very important to check whether the doctor is medically authorised to perform the procedure as any carelessness can prove out to be very unhealthy for your skin. Hence it is very important to consult an expert in the field.
During the procedure the patient is made to lay down on a raised surface such as an examination chair or bed. The area to be treated is properly cleaned and sensitized and then numbed by the use of a topical anesthetic cream. The botox is then introduced into the affected areas. Direct pressure or ice maybe used in case of bleeding to prevent bruising. The injection, however, doesn't show immediate results and it might at least take a week or two for it to show the best possible results. Consumption of aspirin should be avoided in order to prevent bruising. The process may also involve the use of certain fillers but only in case of very prominent lines.
Botox can be used to treat wrinkles and fine lines on the forehead, cheeks, under eyes, neck and other areas that are prone to develop wrinkles. The effects of Botox can last for around 6 months, after which you will have to visit your doctor for the next session. The amount of botox to be introduced varies from person to person and depends upon factors such as age, gender, skin type etc. You can notice a visible change in your skin starting three days prior to the procedure.
Use of Botox is very common in the film and television industry where it is very important to look young and Beautiful. Bought the actors and actresses opt for this method to hide fine lines and wrinkles and achieve the desired look. The idea of botox is not new and is prevalent since the last 50 years. A lot of people trust the procedure due to its efficiency and high success rate.
However, it is very important to ensure that you are a good candidate for the treatment and do not have any kind of allergies from the drug. Many people think that injecting a large amount of botox will help to reduce the lines in a better way but it is not so. The botox should be introduced limited quantities. It is the job of your doctor to decide the right amount of drug to be used.
Saturday, July 28, 2018
पुरुषों के लिए हेल्थ टिप्स (Best Health Tips For Men in Hindi)
By Health Care Tips at July 28, 2018
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- जंक फूड को रोकना बेहद जरूरी (Junk Food khana hanikarakh hain)
- व्यायाम करना आवश्यक है (Roz exercise karna accha hota hain)
- अच्छे तेल का प्रयोग खाने में (Khane me accha tel ka prayog kare)
- मोटापा को कम करना (Motapa Kam kare)
- अपने डाइट प्लान को ठीक करे (Fix your diet plan)
- जल्दी उठे (Subah Jaldi uthna swaasth ke liye accha hain)
पुरुष स्वास्थ्य की बात करे, तो बहुत कम लोग ऐसे होने हैं, जो अपने स्वास्थ्य के प्रति जागरूक होते हैं| कुछ लोग आलस के कारण अपनी हेल्थ पर ध्यान नहीं देते, तो कुछ लोगो ने अपनी लाइफ इतनी बिजी बना के रखी हैं, कि उनके पास खुद के लिए ही समय नहीं बचता| इन सभी असावधानी के चलते पुरुषो को कई बार आगे चलके स्वास्थ्य सम्बन्धी कई बड़ी बीमारिया लग जाती हैं
पुरुष महिलाओ की तुलना में अधिक लापरवाह होते हैं| उनका लाइफ स्टाइल बहुत खराब होता हैं| छोटी से लेकर बड़ी बड़ी बीमारियों को भी वो ज्यादा सीरियस नहीं लेते| एक शोध के अनुसार पुरुष महिलाओ की तुलना में हेल्थ चेकअप के लिए कम जाते हैं| प्रत्येक पुरुष के ऊपर अपने परिवार की पूरी जिम्मेदारी होती हैं| इस बात को उन्हें समझाना चाहिए, और अपने परिवार के साथ साथ अपनी भी केयर करनी चाहिए|
अगर आप बाहर का डिब्बाबंद भोजन और जंक फ़ूड के शौकीन हैं, तो सावधान हो जाइए| नियमित रूप से डिब्बाबंद भोजन और जंक फ़ूड खाने से पुरुषों में धीरे धीरे शुक्राणुओं की गुणवत्ता में कमी आती जाती हैं| अगर आप चाहते हैं, कि आपको इस समस्या का सामना ना करना पड़े, तो आज ही जंक फ़ूड और बाहर का भोजन करना बंद करे
कुछ लोग गर्मियों में गोभी और गाजर जैसी सब्जिया खाते हैं, और सर्दियों में इन्हे खाना पसंद नहीं करते| ऐसा बिलकुल ना करे, लेवल मौसमी फल और सब्जिया ही खाये| बेमौसम के फल और सब्जी स्वास्थ्य पर विपरीत असर डालती हैं|
कोल्डड्रिंक, चिप्स, कुरकुरे, मैगी और कॉफी जैसी चीजों का रोजाना सेवन भी आपके स्वास्थ्य पर नकारात्मक असर डालता हैं, इसीलिए इन चीजों सेवन कभी कभी और कम मात्रा में ही करे| अगर हो सके तो इनका सेवन पूरी तरह बंद कर दे|
आपके सोने और जागने के समय पर भी आपका स्वास्थ्य काफी हद तक निर्भर करता हैं| एक शोध के अनुसार जो लोग रात को जल्दी सोते हैं और सुबह जल्दी उठते हैं, वो दूसरे लोगो की तुलना में स्वस्थ होते हैं| इसीलिए रात को देर से सोने की आदत छोड़े और सुबह जल्दी उठे|
सबसे जरुरी बात लैपटॉप कभी भी अपनी जांघों पर रखकर ना चलाएं| ये एक ऐसी लगती हैं, जो 80 % पुरुष करते हैं, और ये बहुत बड़ी गलती हैं| जांघों पर रखकर लैपटॉप चलाने से पुरुषों की पौरुष क्षमता पर विपरीत असर पड़ता हैं| पुरुषों में नपुंसकता का सबसे बड़ा कारण भी यही हैं|
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How to learn if my child is facing congenital disorder at pre natal stage?
By Health Care Tips at July 28, 2018
baby delivery hospitals in Delhi, maternity hospital
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Congenital disorder or congenital disease is a medical condition wherein the baby is affected by certain medical defects since birth and these defects need to be cured by medicine or by surgical procedure for instance hole in the heart is one of the leading congenital disorder that affects many babies worldwide. The leading cause of congenital diseases is genetic inheritance followed by environmental factors that affect the child growing inside the womb. Therefore it is always important to go for the best maternity centre in Delhi or anywhere in India. Congenital diseases may lead to health problems as well as disabilities that the child might have to bear his whole life. Report given by the best baby delivery hospital in Delhi India show got one out of every 33 babies born, is affected by some congenital disease. Usually, the congenital diseases may have an everlasting effect on the appearance of the baby or the functioning of his organs, such as multiple limbs, partially developed body parts, dysfunctional limbs, mental disabilities etc.
The best maternity centre in Delhi and all over India provides world-class treatments and facilities for children born with congenital disorders and aim at providing the best medical treatment to them so that they can live a normal and healthy life. According to the leading pediatricians of the country, the organs of the baby are formed during the first three months of the pregnancy hence there is a much higher risk of the baby developing congenital diseases during this period of time. Hence, it is very important to pay the visit to your gynecologist at regular intervals to ensure that the baby is healthy and there is no deformity or any other problem. Although, some congenital defects are completely harmless some might require medical treatments for a long duration. As per some researches, it has been seen that if not treated on time some birth defects can account for 20 percent of the deaths of the infants. Although the cause of the congenital disorder is usually unknown however it has been seen that some of the major causes for congenital disorders are the genetic inheritance of abnormal genes. Abnormality of genes is caused a due change in the genes and may be transferred from mother or father to the child resulting in the development of congenital disorders. So if you are suffering from any kind of health problem like diabetes, polycystic kidneys, sickle cell anaemia, blood pressure etc. Stressful lifestyle choices during pregnancy may also play a vital role in the development of congenital disorder in children. Other than that getting infected during pregnancy may also be the cause for development of such diseases.
Although most of these diseases show some symptoms or sign there are times when there are no visible symptoms or signs and the disorder can go undetected. Hence a lot of precaution should be taken while choosing for best delivery hospitals in Delhi or elsewhere. Taking drugs or high consumption of alcohol or smoking during pregnancy can often act as a triggering factor for the disease. Often diabetic women are at a higher risk of delivering a child with a birth defect.
Yes, most of the defects can be diagnosed at a prenatal stage during pregnancy. Doctors often prescribe ultrasounds for diagnosing the defects during pregnancy. It can also be used to detect if the mother has any condition which might be harmful for the baby and treatment is started accordingly. The treatment of congenital disorders depends on how severe the disease is as some defects can be treated during the pregnancy in itself while others may need to be treated later on. Sometimes the defects may be treated using medication but in more severe cases surgery may be needed. Usually, there is no way to prevent the defect at birth however the risk of being prone to such disorders can be reduced by taking supplements during pregnancy, avoiding consumption of alcohol, drugs etc. Proper diet and a healthy lifestyle are also contributing factors in reducing the risk of such disorders.
Friday, July 27, 2018
Early Signs of Gall Bladder Cancer in Males
Gall bladder is a small hollow organ which is crucial in storing and concentrating bile before being released into the small intestines; it is produced by the liver. Bile is then released into the small intestines where it helps with the digestion of fats. Often, haemoglobin breakdown results in the formation of materials like cholesterol or bilirubin both of which cannot be dissolved. Due to formation, these non-dissolvable materials can form gallstones. Today cancers have become very common and people often are not aware about the risk factors. One such serious form of cancer is gall bladder cancer. Cancer starts when the cells in the body begin to grow out of control. Cells in any part of the body can become cancer and spread to other parts of the body. Although gall bladder cancer is a very rare disease it is more common in females than in males. Although there is no particular cause for its occurrence or development however as per a study by the best urologist in Delhi obesity has been related with gall bladder. Being overweight might increase the risk factor for cancer and may even increase the risk factor of gallstones. It has also been observed that families with the history of gall bladder cancer have a higher risk of having the disease. People infected with typhoid also have been seen to be at a higher risk of being affected by the disease.
As per one of the best urologist in Delhi often it becomes quite difficult to diagnose as the symptoms are very subtle and often are diagnosed after the gall bladder has become quite inflamed. Yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes is one of main symptoms of being infected. Patients have also been seen complaining about abdominal pain along with nausea and vomiting. Other than that patients who have been diagnosed with gall bladder cancer might frequently complain of fatigue and tiredness. It has also been observed that patients having gall bladdercancer may even complain of bloating and high fever. As per the best urologist in India one of the major symptoms of gall bladder cancer is a lump in the abdomen and inflammation of the organ. On noticing any of the symptoms a doctor should be consulted without further ado. If diagnosed on time it can be cured by removing the infected part. Gall bladder cancer treatment or kidney stone treatment in Delhi may include radiation therapy and chemotherapy.
One of the best urologist in India from a leading hospital said that the main cause of gallbladder infection is the unhealthy eating habits as well as stressful lifestyle. Fried foods like french fries and potato chips should be should be avoided as they increase the cholesterol levels, in turn increases the risk of gallbladder cancer and gallstones. High-fat meats such as bacon, sausage, and ground beef should be avoided as well. As per some reports high fat dairy products such as butter, fat, ice cream, and cheese should also be avoided as they are prone to increase the cholesterol levels. Other than that pizzas, chocolates and fast foods should be avoided. Some studies have shown that even coffee at times might trigger gall bladder attacks hence, coffee should be avoided by patients diagnosed with gall bladder infection or inflammation. Another study conducted by a group of urologists has shown that eating soft-cooked vegetables with hummus, fresh fruits, green leafy vegetables, lean meat, poultry, and fish help in keeping the gallbladder healthy. Low fat dietary products and whole grains like wheat bread, brown rice, oats, and bran cereal are also considered as a good diet for those suffering from gall bladder problems or gallstones. Patients suffering from gallbladder cancer are often advised to relax and avoid mental stress. They should consult the doctor as soon as they notice any symptoms so as to get it treated on time without any further complications.
Why should I go for painless delivery?
By Health Care Tips at July 27, 2018
baby delivery hospitals in Delhi, best Gynaecologist, painless delivery
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Giving birth to a child is an extremely beautiful experience however the mere idea of delivery can give some women serious jitters due to the expected pain and discomfort during labor. But motherhood is a beautiful phase and one should always look for the best delivery hospital in Delhi (if you are residing in the NCR). Although a lot of women opt for natural birth however the fear and anxiety of having a painful labour has led to a lot of women wanting to opt for painless delivery. The major dilemma that the women are facing while opting for painless delivery is the fear about the side effects of such deliveries. Hence, before opting for any such procedures, it is recommended that a specialist is consulted and all the necessary information about the pros and cons of the procedure is obtained. The best Gynaecologist for Normal Delivery from a painless delivery hospital in Delhi makes it a point to educate the parents about the various complications of the delivery and how they can be avoided, how one procedure is better than the other and which procedure will suit the mother and the child, the best.
In case of painless delivery, the vein that carries the sensation of pain generated in the vagina to the brain is put under the effect of anaesthesia which helps in the reduction of contraction pains generated during labor. The anaesthesia in case of painless deliveries is delivered via a tube. The anaesthesia is delivered through a very thin and flexible hollow tube into space just outside the membrane that surrounds the spinal cord and fluid. It is the most common method of relieving pain in case of labor. One of the major reasons because of which painless deliveries have gained momentum in India is the fact that it has a lot of benefits, the greatest of all, being the potential for the significant amount of reduction in pain while delivering. Though the patient might still be feeling contraction but the amount of pain is greatly reduced. In case of vaginal delivery, the patient can still move around and is well aware of the delivery.
There has been a gradual increase in the number of the painless delivery hospital in India. The use of anaesthesia in painless deliveries has increased the number of patients opting for painless deliveries by seventy-two per cent thereby indicating its popularity in various baby delivery hospitals in Delhi India as well. One major advantage of painless delivery is that the strength and amount of anesthesia to be given can be controlled which is quite important. Since the effect of medication is localized hence the patient is awake and has enough energy when it is time to push.
Although painless deliveries are very popular and have a lot of advantages it has certain downfalls as well. Some of the major risks that a patient is vulnerable to while opting for painless delivery are back pain and soreness, headaches, persistent bleeding, difficulty in breathing, and fever. Patients have been seen complaining of a severe drop in blood pressure. Despite these disadvantages, there are no harmful effects in a newborn. Although painless deliveries are a great option however not all women can opt for it. Those suffering from abnormally low blood pressure due to bleeding or any other reason are often advised not to opt for this type of delivery. Other than that woman who experiences bleeding disorders or blood infections are also asked to stay away from this type of delivery as it can be life-threatening for both the mother as well as the new born. Women who have previously had allergic reactions to anaesthesia and those who take blood-thinning medicines are also forbidden to undergo painless delivery.
Thursday, July 26, 2018
Why should I go for surgery in case of kidney stones?
Kidneys are one of the major organs associated with the process of excretion. The kidneys are two bean-shaped organs located on either side of the spine. The kidneys perform the functions of purifying the blood of all the waste products which are then thrown out of the body along with urine. They also help to maintain a balance between the levels of various chemicals like sodium, potassium, and calcium in the body so as to maintain the health of the person. Apart from this the kidneys also help in the stimulation of the bone marrow to make red blood cells. According to a study conducted by a team of best urologist in kidney stone treatment in Delhi have reported the increase in the number of patients suffering from problems related to kidney.
The hospitals providing kidney stone treatment in Delhi are a hub for the best urologist in delhi ncr of the country and are equipped with the best and latest equipment that make them the leading and most trustworthy hospitals of the country. Kidney stones are formed when impurities dissolved in our blood get accumulated on the inner lining of the kidneys. The most common of these impurities is calcium oxalate; however other particles may also be responsible for this. Kidney stones have a sharp crystalline structure and are usually very small in size. The size of the smaller stones is compatible enough to pass through the urinary tract but they cause a lot of pain. Some kidney stones may even be as large as a golf ball and are extremely painful.
Usually, it is quite difficult to diagnose kidney stones as its symptoms are very subtle unless it reaches the ureter. One of the most common symptoms associated with kidney stones is a pain in the groin and the surrounding region and is often accompanied by traces of blood in the urine. The patients often complain about nausea and vomiting, followed by chills and high fever. Reports have shown that the urine of a kidney stone patient may even contain white blood cells or pus. The presence of kidney stones is also indicated by the considerable decrease in the amount of urine is excreted. Other symptoms may include burning sensation during urination and a frequent urge to urinate. Although smaller kidney stones can be easily dissolved with the help of certain medications or therapies and the residual material is passed out along with the urine. However, if the medicines and therapies fail the only option left is a surgery. You should opt for surgery as it completely removes the stone which can otherwise be very painful and lead to serious problems. Kidney stones might even act as a barrier against the free flow of urine by blocking the tube connecting the kidney to the bladder. Patients suffering from kidney stone are highly vulnerable to being affected by chronic kidney diseases. One of the main reasons that trigger the formation of kidney stones is the decrease of water content in the body caused by drinking less water. Due to less consumption of water, uric acid, a component of urine, does not get dissolved easily and hence the urine becomes more acidic. The excessively acidic environment results in the formation of kidney stones. A study conducted by the hospitals recognized for kidney stones treatment in Delhi shows that the disease is more prominent in males than in females.
Hence, you should up for a surgery if the medicine does not work order of the size of the stone is comparatively bigger. With the advent of new technology advancements and techniques, the surgery can be performed in a minimally invasive manner.
Monday, July 23, 2018
TAVR: What are the risks involved?
By Health Care Tips at July 23, 2018
Tavi, tavi cardiac surgery, TAVR Valve Replacement in Delhi
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TAVR Valve Replacement in Delhi is one of the most trusted methods for treating damaged aortic valve. Aortic valve is one of the most important part of the human heart. The human heart functions 24 hours a day and sends oxygenated blood to different organs of the body. Also, the deoxygenated blood from various organs is sent back to the heart for purification. The aortic valve is it narrow hollow tube-like structure that acts as a pathway for the free flow of blood and even helps to store the blood before it is sent to the various organs of the human body. The aortic valve also prevents the backward flow of blood. However, the valve might get blocked due to the excess accumulation of impurities like calcium and cholesterol on the interior lining of the valve. Apart from these the valve might also lose its elasticity and become tight. Such condition is commonly known as aortic stenosis in the medical world. Aortic stenosis can prove to be very fatal as it prevents the free flow of blood from the heart to different body parts. This in turn leads to decreasing in the level of oxygen in the body and cause serious health problems, and even death.
Although TAVR Valve Replacement Surgery is one of the most common type of valve replacement surgeries and has a considerably high success rate but it is not necessarily always a success. People suffering from obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol levels are more vulnerable to develop aortic stenosis. Especially in the case of diabetes patients, the problem becomes very chronic and life-threatening. This is because in the case of sugar patients there is an excessive accumulation of calcium on the walls of the valve. Sugar also leads to inflammation of the valve.
Reports and studies conducted by one of the well-known hospitals for TAVR Valve Replacement Surgery is very risky in case of people having high blood sugar levels. The surgery does not completely eradicate the problem and it's me reoccur after some time. In case of diabetes patients, the success rate is very minimal as compared to normal patients.
Apart from these problems the patient might also suffer from valve leaks. This usually happens when the artificial valve used to replace the damaged valve does not fit perfectly and is smaller in size as compared to the former valve. This leads to the leakage of blood. However, researches are going on to eradicate this problem with the use of technologically advanced equipment.
The surgery can lead a very bad impact on your heart by exerting excessive pressure on the hearts electrical system and you might need to use a pacemaker to restore the normal functioning of your heart. The chemicals used for contrasting may have an adverse affect on your kidneys, however, in most cases, the problem is easily curable. Sometime the blood vessels through which the sheath and catheter is passed might get severely damaged and need to be treated. There have also been cases where the patient has experienced a stroke during the surgery or a few days after it.
Thursday, July 19, 2018
How does stent work: How many times can one person get it placed?
The heart is the most important organ of the human body that functions throughout the life of an individual without any rest, constantly pumping but blood to various organs via tubular channels known as arteries. Our arteries are like narrow passages and are very delicate. Sometimes the arteries of a person get blocked due to access accumulation of impurities like cholesterol. Cholesterol is one of the leading cause of various heart diseases including heart attacks and heart valve diseases. Cholesterol gets accumulated on the inner lining of the arteries, hence preventing the free flow of blood to the lungs and various other organs. Reports by one of the leading surgeons for Angioplasty and stent placement show that obese people are more prone to develop such problems as they have very high cholesterol levels in their bodies.
The main symptoms that indicate that you might be suffering from artery blockage and need Angioplasty and stent placement surgery are chest pain, irregularity in breathing, uneven heart rate, palpitation, cold sweats, swelling of hands, feet and toes, fatigue, light-headedness, dizziness and nausea. In case you experience any of these symptoms, consult a doctor as soon as possible.
One of the best methods to treat a blocked artery is angioplasty. It involves the use of a catheter and a balloon like structure. A narrow tube-like structure called sheath is inserted inside the patients artery through the groin or a small cut on the arm or chest. The catheter is then introduced inside the artery via this sheath. After this, an x-ray is taken to ensure whether the doctors need to perform the angioplasty or not. In case it is decided that the angioplasty needs to be done, the doctor slowly and steadily moves the catheter towards the blocked artery. The balloon is then inflated to perfectly fit inside the artery and once the stent is in position the balloon is again deflated and removed from the patient's body. The stent might even be induced with some medicines that help to prevent the blockage of the artery in future.
Angioplasty and stent placement helps to remove any kind of blockage in the artery hereby promoting the free flow of blood. The patient does not feel any pain or discomfort and his heartbeats become even. The swelling on the limbs and toes also vanishes gradually and the person is able to live a healthy life and perform his day to day tasks without and discomfort and pain.
Although there is no specific number of stents that a person can receive but on an average person can receive 10 to 15 stents. Doctors can even place 2-3 stents in a single procedure depending upon the need of the situation.
After the surgery the patient needs to take complete bed rest for a span of time and make sure to follow all the instructions given by the doctor. Physical therapy such as physiotherapy and exercising may help in the process of recovery but excess exercising can worsen the patient's condition. Hence, it is advisable to consult a physiotherapist or a personal trainer to help you exercise properly. Unhealthy fats should be avoided as much as possible as they contain cholesterol which is a leading factor responsible for blockage in the artery. Instead of these green leafy vegetables should be consumed. Smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol should be avoided as this may hinder the patients healing process. The patient should take all the prescribed medications on time and in case of any pain or discomfort, consult a medical expert. It should be made sure that the patient should be kept away from any kind of stress and strain as the may directly affect his recovery.
What are the complication one can face after TAVI Surgery?
By Health Care Tips at July 19, 2018
Tavi, tavi cardiac surgery, transaortic valve implantation
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Heart is one of the most important organs of the human body which performs the job of pumping blood to different organs of the body. Our heart functions 24 hours a day without any break and helps in the oxygenation of the deoxygenated blood coming from different organs of the body which is the sent back to the different organs body via the arteries. Human heart is four chambered and between these Chambers passes a valve. The valve in a very important part of a heart as it prevents the backward flow of blood. Sometimes the valve can get damaged and lead to severe problems in the heart by disrupting the flow of blood. Report shown by a tavi cardiac surgery hospital in Delhi show that most of the patients admitted for transaortic valve implantation in Delhi are majorly elderly people. Apart old age there might be some other factors responsible for damaging the valve such as calcium deposits inside the valve, rheumatic fever, endocarditis etc.
One of the best surgeons for transaortic valve implantation in Delhi enlisted the following symptoms for heart valve diseases:
Unstable Heartbeat accompanied with palpitations.
Difficulty while breathing shortness of breath.
Excessive weakness and fatigue.
Swelling and stiffness in certain body parts like ankles and feet.
Transaortic valve implantation is less invasive as compared to other heart surgeries.
There are certain tests and procedures that you need to undergo before opting for transaortic valve implantation to make sure you are an eligible candidate. Once these are done and the doctor gives you the green signal, you'll be given the date for getting admitted into the hospital. Before the procedure you will be given anaesthesia to induce unconsciousness. In case of transaortic valve implantation surgery, the damaged valve doesn't need to be removed. Instead a new prosthetic valve is inserted with the help of a hollow catheter and balloon.
Although the surgery has proved to be quiet beneficial in many cases but it also has its setbacks. Surgeons in the best tavi cardiac surgery hospital in Delhi are quite aware of the fact that the surgery might not always prove out to be a success and hence inform the patients about all the risks and benefits.
During the surgery the patient is vulnerable to develop endocarditis. It is a condition in which the inner walls of the heart become infected. Although it is a rare condition but it is very much possible for the patients to develop such infections. Other complications that may rise during a transaortic valve implantation are access (including injury at the arterial access site, arterial tree trauma, and problems with vascular closure), valve deployment (including improper positioning, coronary compromise and annular rupture), valve function (including paravalvular leak), organ injury (including stroke, myocardial ischemia/injury, and acute kidney injury), and arrhythmic complications (including high degree heart block and atrial fibrillation) and late complications including aortic regurgitation and prosthetic valve thrombosis.
Even after the surgery you are at risk of developing infections which can prove very fatal as the heart is very sensitive organ and such infections may affect the success rate of the surgery drastically.
The best possible way to avoid such problems is to lead a healthy lifestyle. Riding on healthy food like fats and keeping a check on your cholesterol levels also helps to keep your heart healthy. You can also try yoga and other exercises as these help to increase blood circulation. Elderly people should try to go out for morning or evening walk as it helps to keep them healthy makes their heart strong.