Congenital disorder or congenital disease is a medical condition wherein the baby is affected by certain medical defects since birth and these defects need to be cured by medicine or by surgical procedure for instance hole in the heart is one of the leading congenital disorder that affects many babies worldwide. The leading cause of congenital diseases is genetic inheritance followed by environmental factors that affect the child growing inside the womb. Therefore it is always important to go for the best maternity centre in Delhi or anywhere in India. Congenital diseases may lead to health problems as well as disabilities that the child might have to bear his whole life. Report given by the best baby delivery hospital in Delhi India show got one out of every 33 babies born, is affected by some congenital disease. Usually, the congenital diseases may have an everlasting effect on the appearance of the baby or the functioning of his organs, such as multiple limbs, partially developed body parts, dysfunctional limbs, mental disabilities etc.
The best maternity centre in Delhi and all over India provides world-class treatments and facilities for children born with congenital disorders and aim at providing the best medical treatment to them so that they can live a normal and healthy life. According to the leading pediatricians of the country, the organs of the baby are formed during the first three months of the pregnancy hence there is a much higher risk of the baby developing congenital diseases during this period of time. Hence, it is very important to pay the visit to your gynecologist at regular intervals to ensure that the baby is healthy and there is no deformity or any other problem. Although, some congenital defects are completely harmless some might require medical treatments for a long duration. As per some researches, it has been seen that if not treated on time some birth defects can account for 20 percent of the deaths of the infants. Although the cause of the congenital disorder is usually unknown however it has been seen that some of the major causes for congenital disorders are the genetic inheritance of abnormal genes. Abnormality of genes is caused a due change in the genes and may be transferred from mother or father to the child resulting in the development of congenital disorders. So if you are suffering from any kind of health problem like diabetes, polycystic kidneys, sickle cell anaemia, blood pressure etc. Stressful lifestyle choices during pregnancy may also play a vital role in the development of congenital disorder in children. Other than that getting infected during pregnancy may also be the cause for development of such diseases.
Although most of these diseases show some symptoms or sign there are times when there are no visible symptoms or signs and the disorder can go undetected. Hence a lot of precaution should be taken while choosing for best delivery hospitals in Delhi or elsewhere. Taking drugs or high consumption of alcohol or smoking during pregnancy can often act as a triggering factor for the disease. Often diabetic women are at a higher risk of delivering a child with a birth defect.
Yes, most of the defects can be diagnosed at a prenatal stage during pregnancy. Doctors often prescribe ultrasounds for diagnosing the defects during pregnancy. It can also be used to detect if the mother has any condition which might be harmful for the baby and treatment is started accordingly. The treatment of congenital disorders depends on how severe the disease is as some defects can be treated during the pregnancy in itself while others may need to be treated later on. Sometimes the defects may be treated using medication but in more severe cases surgery may be needed. Usually, there is no way to prevent the defect at birth however the risk of being prone to such disorders can be reduced by taking supplements during pregnancy, avoiding consumption of alcohol, drugs etc. Proper diet and a healthy lifestyle are also contributing factors in reducing the risk of such disorders.
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