Sunday, February 3, 2019

What is Ophthalmic plastic surgery?

refractive laser surgery hospital in Delhi
Ophthalmic plastic surgery commonly known as oculoplastic surgery is the cosmetic procedure used to reconstruct and treat any kind of deformity or abnormality in the eye or the various structures associated with it. These include the eyelids, tear ducts, face, eye sockets etc. Plastic surgery usually aims at correcting the physical appearance of the affected area but ophthalmic plastic surgery is quite different at it helps to improve vision and ocular health as well. Oculoplastic surgery doctors in Delhi are highly trained and experts in their field. They offer treatments based on the use of the latest technology and give utmost priority to the health and safety of the patient. This is the reason why a lot of patients prefer undergoing Ophthalmic plastic surgery in Delhi. 

The leading refractive laser surgery hospital in Delhi is a hub for some of the top-notch ophthalmic plastic surgeons in India including Dr. Subhash M.Betharia, one of the most trusted names when it comes to oculoplastic surgery in India. He specialises in treating a wide range of ophthalmic problems and has successfully helped to treat numerous patients with satisfactory results.

Out of the various treatment options available at the leading oculoplastic surgery hospital in Delhi Blepharoplasty and brow lifting are highly popular. 

Blepharoplasty - it is the surgical procedure that aims at refining the eyelids to correct the patient's vision as well as enhance his physical appearance. The procedure proves to be very effective for treating drooping eyelids, baggy eyes, sagging skin and also to get rid of excessive fat deposition in the eyelids. It can also be used to correct any kind of obstruction due to a defect in the eyelids. Blepharoplasty can also help to eliminate various signs of ageing like droopy eyelids. 

Brow Lifting - The procedure is mostly used to improve your aesthetics but has other benefits as well. It can help to correct any kind of obstruction in the peripheral vision. The whole procedure is properly planned according to the needs of the patient. 

Oculoplastic surgeons aim at treating a number of problems which include the following

Ptosis - commonly known as drooping eyelids, these can drastically affect your vision as well as your appearance making you look older. Ptosis naturally occurs with ageing but in some cases, it may also be a result of some other medical condition like cancer, gravies and Horner syndrome. The problem can affect both adults as well as children and can be easily treated with the help of blepharoplasty. 

Entropion - the eyelids of a person suffering from Entropion turn inwards and run against the eye leading to a lot of discomforts. The problem is also known as Ectropion. Since the eyelids protect the eye from the various impurities present in the environment, the eyes of the patient suffering from this problem are exposed to all these impurities increasing the chances of infections. This problem can be treated by surgical tightening the eyelid to prevent it from turning inwards. 

Tearing/DCR - this is caused by a blockage in the tear duct which can lead to various complications including infections, discomfort, inflammation and mucus discharge. The problem can be treated by surgically creating a drainage channel between the nasal cavity and lacrimal sac. This technique is known as Dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR). 

Stye - also known as a Chalazion, it is a small pimple like structure that develops on the patient's eyelid and is usually caused by the accumulation of bacteria in an oil gland. It can be very painful and affect your vision. Sometimes the person is not even able to open his eye. It can lead to inflammation and redness. Usually, the problem can be treated with the help of simple eye drops and medicine but in chronic cases, there might be a need for surgical intervention.

Apart from these problems, oculoplastic surgery can also help to treat eyelid skin cancer, thyroid eye disease, orbital fractures, Bell’s Palsy etc.


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