The gallbladder is located below the liver and it plays an important role in the digestion of food. In some cases, the patient observes pain in the lower abdomen and it could be a manifestation of gallstones, states the best urology doctor in Delhi.The pain arises when gallstones block the bile duct. Gallstones are formed by a build-up of substances and their size can vary. The genetic history of the patient, their weight, issues with working of the gallbladder, and an excessive amount of cholesterol in the bile juice are some of the most likely reasons which are associated with the problem of gallstones.
There are some alternatives to surgery which help in removing the gallstones but if the conditions are serious, gallstone removal surgery is recommended, confirms the best urologist India. Looking at the non-surgical treatments, acid pills are recommended which can be effective in dissolving gallstones which are made out of cholesterol and are small in size. Unlike oral pills, methyl tertiary-butyl ether (MTBE) injections can be provided which can dissolve gallstones. But as per the advice if besurologist in Delhi NCR, it is usually not opted for because of the side effects such as severe burning pain and in extreme cases, electrical fires. For breaking the small gallstones so that they can easily be removed, extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ECSWL) is performed, in the process, shock waves are focused at the gallstones which help to break them apart. Endoscopic drainage, percutaneous cholecystectomy (PC), transmural drainage, and acute cholecystectomy are also some non-surgical methods.
The team of kidney specialists from the best urology hospital in Delhi provided us with information on why surgery is at times crucial to perform gallstone removal. The reason being gallstones are often responsible for medical conditions such as cholecystitis, pancreatitis, and cholangitis which causes severe inflammation of the gallbladder, pancreas, and bile duct respectively.
When surgery is to be performed doctors evaluate the condition through various assessment procedures including blood tests, ultrasound, MRI HIDA (hepatobiliary iminodiacetic acid) scan, and endoscopic ultrasonography. The best Delhi that open surgery is recommended if the patient suffers from a bleeding disorder or has a severe gallbladder disease. Open surgery is performed as per the traditional method, during which gallbladder is removed through incisions (of 5 to 7 inches) which are made on the belly. For patients who have the condition of obesity and mothers who are in the last trimester of pregnancy, open surgery is considered as a better option than laparoscopic explains urology doctor
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is the advanced version which is sometimes called as 'keyhole surgery'. It derives it the name from the way the operation is performed. Through two small incisions which are made on the belly, an endoscope and a light are inserted, with images obtained on a digital screen are used as a guide for removing the gallbladder.
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