Monday, August 6, 2018

How to Impress A Girl

Do you want to wow that certain girl? Though you can't control how she feels and make her fall in love with you, you can make yourself seem more desirable to her. Here are two methods for impressing a girl: first for a girl you don't know well, and second for a girl who says she's only interested in friendship

Dress to impress. Not only will you look and smell more attractive, taking care of your grooming shows her that you're mature and capable of important daily tasks. Also pay attention to the style of clothes that she wears, and wear the same style of clothing, this will help her to relate with you and find you overall more attractive. And pay particular attention to these areas:

Be polite. Being well-mannered doesn't mean you're boring — it means you know how to treat other people with respect, a quality most girls want in their boyfriends. Show her you know how to be considerate by doing these things for everyone, not just her:

Think before you speak. Everyone slips up and says stupid things, but try your best to limit it when you're around this girl. Take a few seconds to evaluate what you're going to say before you spit it out.

Pay her a sincere compliment. One thing you should say when you're around her is a nice, genuine compliment. It's not as difficult as it seems! Here's what to do:

Make her feel special. Find little ways to let her know that you think she's an extraordinary person, and she'll definitely notice.

Get some space away from her. It's the hardest thing to do when you're crazy about a girl, but it's the only sure way to get out of the friendzone. If you want her to see you in a different light, you have to take some away time so your relationship can reset when you start interacting again.

Spend time on self-improvement. Dedicate the hours you would otherwise spend with her (or thinking about her) to feeling better about yourself. You'll be a new and improved guy with better self-confidence, whether or not she's interested in that at the end of the day. Remember that you're not doing it for her right now — you're doing it for you, so that you feel like the best version of yourself.

Make a new first impression. After you've been away for awhile, you'll have the chance to make another "first" impression when you're ready to interact with her again. If you can play it the right way, she'll start to see you in a whole new light.

Don't offer your time so freely. Instead of being constantly available for her whenever she wants, make her work a little for your attention. For instance, you're not available to come over and watch romantic comedies with her while she complains about her latest break-up; however, you are available to take her to dinner on Friday if she's interested.

Don't waste time. After you re-initiate contact, don't wait months to ask her out or otherwise move the relationship to the next level. Do it within the week.

Accept her decision. If you've tried everything to impress her and she's still not interested in dating, back away gracefully. Sometimes the spark just isn't there. You tried your best, and there are other girls out there who will appreciate the person you are. Move on with confidence!



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